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  • Charlie Lao's avatar
    Vulkan: Remove BufferMemoryAllocator · 15439f8e
    Charlie Lao authored
    This class was added in The original intention was
    to use VMA to implement buffer suballocation. Because VMA itself does
    not support buffer suballocation, I was thinking to use VMA custom pool
    to implement it and this class was intended to wrap all these
    functionality into one class. But now thanks to Jamie's effort, VMA
    exported generic suballocation algorithm via API and we have implemented
    buffer suballocation using that virtual allocation API. So this
    BufferMemoryAllocator class is really no longer useful. This CL mostly
    reverted that CL and flatten out the buffer allocation call to directly
    use VMA's Allocator object.
    Bug: b/205337962
    Change-Id: I0336056e440f39e2ff49fee8e0ff4b1f355cefe4
    Reviewed-by: default avatarShahbaz Youssefi <>
    Reviewed-by: default avatarJamie Madill <>
    Commit-Queue: Charlie Lao <>