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  • Charlie Lao's avatar
    Vulkan: Consolidate mHostVisibleBufferPool and mMapInvalidate · 43b0e92b
    Charlie Lao authored
    BufferVk::mHostVisibleBufferPool is allocated when BufferVk::mBuffer is
    not hostvisible and we need to map it. In that case
    mHostVisibleBufferPool is allocated and data copied from mBuffer to it
    and the pointer to mHostVisibleBufferPool is returned to user.
    BufferVk::mMapInvalidateRangeStagingBuffer is used when map is called on
    a small range. In this case we allocate memory for the small range of
    buffer and return that intead of waiting for entire buffer for GPU to
    finish. Also when BufferSubData is called, we also needs to allocate a
    staging buffer and issue a copyBuffer from staging buffer to main
    buffer. This CL consolidate all these three usage cases into one
    mStagingBuffer. It removes mHostVisibleBufferPool and
    mMapInvalidateRangeStagingBuffer from BufferVk class. This makes overall
    logic of managing data consistency much simpler as well since we only
    have two buffers: The main buffer storage mBuffer or mStagingBuffer. And
    mIsStagingBufferMapped tracks if mStagingBuffer is the one actually
    mapped to user or not so that at unmap time we know if we should flush
    the data to mBuffer or not.
    Bug: b/208323792
    Change-Id: I4f0c79a2d86da1a43844ed2ba83ddeb7dd4a5c0b
    Reviewed-by: default avatarLingfeng Yang <>
    Reviewed-by: default avatarJamie Madill <>
    Commit-Queue: Charlie Lao <>