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  • David Schleef's avatar Pull in librfb from my CVS tree, because it is too small and... · e6ed8165
    David Schleef authored Pull in librfb from my CVS tree, because it is too small and annoying to be separate.  Move rfbsrc plug...
    Original commit message from CVS:
    * Pull in librfb from my CVS tree, because it is
    too small and annoying to be separate.  Move rfbsrc plugin
    to gst/.
    * ext/
    * ext/librfb/
    * ext/librfb/gstrfbsrc.c:
    * gst/librfb/
    * gst/librfb/gstrfbsrc.c:
    * gst/librfb/rfb.c:
    * gst/librfb/rfb.h:
    * gst/librfb/rfbbuffer.c:
    * gst/librfb/rfbbuffer.h:
    * gst/librfb/rfbbytestream.c:
    * gst/librfb/rfbbytestream.h:
    * gst/librfb/rfbcontext.h:
    * gst/librfb/rfbdecoder.c:
    * gst/librfb/rfbdecoder.h:
    * gst/librfb/rfbutil.h:
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