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  • Gwenole Beauchesne's avatar
    videodecoder: parse any source data that is still available. · fb44ec96
    Gwenole Beauchesne authored
    Fix gst_video_decoder_parse_available() to really parse any pending
    source data that is still available in the adapter. This is a memory
    optimization to avoid expansion of video packed added to the adapter,
    but also a fix to EOS condition when the subclass parse() function
    ultimately only needed to call into gvd_have_frame() and no additional
    source bytes were consumed, i.e. gvd_add_to_frame() is not called.
    This situation can occur when decoding H.264 streams in byte-stream/nal
    mode for instance. A decoder always requires the next NAL unit to be
    parsed so that to determine picture boundaries. When a new picture is
    found, no byte is consumed (i.e. gvd_add_to_frame() is not called)
    but gvd_have_frame() is called (i.e. priv->current_frame is gone).
    Also make sure to avoid infinite loops caused by incorrect subclass
    parse() implementations. This can occur when no byte gets consumed
    and no appropriate indication (GST_VIDEO_DECODER_FLOW_NEED_DATA) is
    Signed-off-by: default avatarGwenole Beauchesne <>