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  • Lyude Paul's avatar
    runner: Use glib's regex utilities instead of POSIX ERE · 709bd686
    Lyude Paul authored
    POSIX ERE, while pretty standard is also very old and severely limited.
    In fact, it's so limited that Intel CI's own test blacklist,
    tests/intel-ci/blacklist.txt, doesn't even work with it due to the lack
    of support for backreferences.
    Since we're already using glib in other parts of igt, let's just start
    using glib's regular expression matching instead of the POSIX regex API.
    This gives us full perl compatible regular expressions and in turn, also
    gives us python compatible regular expressions to match piglit.
    Reviewed-by: default avatarPetri Latvala <>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarLyude Paul <>