From 6cd42b6d1de1feaed37a14062f56952a91632317 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: ""
Date: Wed, 29 Jul 2009 21:15:55 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Update so we can run ui_tests in parallel, with
 the number of shards equal to NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS.

Review URL:

git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
 chrome/tools/test/      | 38 +++++++++++-
 tools/python/google/ | 86 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 123 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/chrome/tools/test/ b/chrome/tools/test/
index 50ddd83a989d3..f0513df67a3d5 100755
--- a/chrome/tools/test/
+++ b/chrome/tools/test/
@@ -109,6 +109,39 @@ def _MakeSubstitutions(list, options):
   return [word % substitutions for word in list]
+def RunTestsInShards(test_command, verbose=True):
+  """Runs a test in shards. The number of shards is equal to
+  Args:
+    test_command: the test command to run, which is a list of one or more
+                  strings.
+    verbose: if True, combines stdout and stderr into stdout.
+             Otherwise, prints only the command's stderr to stdout.
+  Returns:
+    The first shard process's exit status.
+  Raises:
+    CommandNotFound if the command executable could not be found.
+  """
+  processor_count = 2
+  try:
+    processor_count = int(os.environ['NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS'])
+  except KeyError:
+    print 'No NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS defined. Use 2 instances.'
+  commands = []
+  for i in xrange(processor_count):
+    command = [test_command[j] for j in xrange(len(test_command))]
+    # To support sharding, the test executable needs to provide --batch-count
+    # --batch-index command line switches.
+    command.append('--batch-count=%s' % processor_count)
+    command.append('--batch-index=%d' % i)
+    commands.append(command)
+  return google.process_utils.RunCommandsInParallel(commands, verbose)[0][0]
 def main(options, args):
   """Runs all the selected tests for the given build type and target."""
   options.build_type = options.build_type.lower()
@@ -184,7 +217,10 @@ def main(options, args):
     print 'Running %s:' % test,
-      result = google.process_utils.RunCommand(command, options.verbose)
+      if test == 'ui':
+        result = RunTestsInShards(command, options.verbose)
+      else:
+        result = google.process_utils.RunCommand(command, options.verbose)
     except google.process_utils.CommandNotFound, e:
       print '%s' % e
diff --git a/tools/python/google/ b/tools/python/google/
index 5024ec7b524c9..64c92ea9f1976 100644
--- a/tools/python/google/
+++ b/tools/python/google/
@@ -133,3 +133,89 @@ def RunCommand(command, verbose=True):
   return RunCommandFull(command, verbose)[0]
+def RunCommandsInParallel(commands, verbose=True, collect_output=False,
+                          print_output=True):
+  """Runs a list of commands in parallel, waits for all commands to terminate
+  and returns their status. If specified, the ouput of commands can be
+  returned and/or printed.
+  Args:
+    commands: the list of commands to run, each as a list of one or more
+              strings.
+    verbose: if True, combines stdout and stderr into stdout.
+             Otherwise, prints only the command's stderr to stdout.
+    collect_output: if True, collects the output of the each command as a list
+                    of lines and returns it.
+    print_output: if True, prints the output of each command.
+  Returns:
+    A list of tuples consisting of each command's exit status and output.  If
+    collect_output is False, the output will be [].
+  Raises:
+    CommandNotFound if any of the command executables could not be found.
+  """
+  command_num = len(commands)
+  outputs = [[] for i in xrange(command_num)]
+  procs = [None for i in xrange(command_num)]
+  eofs = [False for i in xrange(command_num)]
+  for command in commands:
+    print '\n' + subprocess.list2cmdline(command).replace('\\', '/') + '\n',
+  if verbose:
+    out = subprocess.PIPE
+    err = subprocess.STDOUT
+  else:
+    out = file(os.devnull, 'w')
+    err = subprocess.PIPE
+  for i in xrange(command_num):
+    try:
+      command = commands[i]
+      procs[i] = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=out, stderr=err, bufsize=1)
+    except OSError, e:
+      if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
+        raise CommandNotFound('Unable to find "%s"' % command[0])
+      raise
+      # We could consider terminating the processes already started.
+      # But Popen.kill() is only available in version 2.6.
+      # For now the clean up is done by KillAll.
+  while True:
+    eof_all = True
+    for i in xrange(command_num):
+      if eofs[i]:
+        continue
+      if verbose:
+        read_from = procs[i].stdout
+      else:
+        read_from = procs[i].stderr
+      line = read_from.readline()
+      if line:
+        eof_all = False
+        line = line.rstrip()
+        outputs[i].append(line)
+        if print_output:
+          # Windows Python converts \n to \r\n automatically whenever it
+          # encounters it written to a text file (including stdout).  The only
+          # way around it is to write to a binary file, which isn't feasible
+          # for stdout. So we end up with \r\n here even though we explicitly
+          # write \n.  (We could write \r instead, which doesn't get converted
+          # to \r\n, but that's probably more troublesome for people trying to
+          # read the files.)
+          print line + '\n',
+      else:
+        eofs[i] = True
+    if eof_all:
+      break
+  # Make sure the process terminates.
+  for i in xrange(command_num):
+    procs[i].wait()
+  if not verbose:
+    out.close()
+  return [(procs[i].returncode, outputs[i]) for i in xrange(command_num)]