diff --git a/content/test/data/gpu/webcodecs/encoding-framerate-resolutions.html b/content/test/data/gpu/webcodecs/encoding-framerate-resolutions.html
index ffff0a9b37b092656b2af7a56351731b44d07159..d29bc00a06342526754d1568db42d07326c02f30 100644
--- a/content/test/data/gpu/webcodecs/encoding-framerate-resolutions.html
+++ b/content/test/data/gpu/webcodecs/encoding-framerate-resolutions.html
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ Check that VideoEncoder can encode in different framerate and resolutions
         supported = (await VideoEncoder.isConfigSupported(encoder_config)).supported;
       } catch (e) {}
       if (!supported) {
-        TEST.skip('Unsupported configs: ' + JSON.stringify(encoder_config, null, 2));
+        TEST.skip('Unsupported codec: ' + arg.codec);
diff --git a/content/test/gpu/gpu_tests/test_expectations/webcodecs_expectations.txt b/content/test/gpu/gpu_tests/test_expectations/webcodecs_expectations.txt
index f23f02c7b892de103d64217a6cfd898edbbaf782..61c90eced80c388e7008e07e3d99bb13ba9eb007 100644
--- a/content/test/gpu/gpu_tests/test_expectations/webcodecs_expectations.txt
+++ b/content/test/gpu/gpu_tests/test_expectations/webcodecs_expectations.txt
@@ -117,6 +117,10 @@ crbug.com/1368785 [ android-pixel-6 arm renderer-skia-vulkan target-cpu-64 ] Web
 crbug.com/1368785 [ android-pixel-4 android-r qualcomm renderer-skia-gl target-cpu-32 ] WebCodecs_EncodingRateControl_avc1.420034_prefer-hardware_variable_* [ Failure ]
 crbug.com/1368785 [ android-pixel-4 android-r qualcomm renderer-skia-gl target-cpu-32 ] WebCodecs_EncodingRateControl_hvc1.1.6.L123.00_prefer-hardware_variable_3000000 [ Failure ]
+# MediaCodec doesn't report correct 4k max supported framerate on all Android devices.
+crbug.com/371247952 [ android ] WebCodecs_EncodingFramerateResolutions_3840x2160_120_* [ Failure ]
+crbug.com/371247952 [ android ] WebCodecs_EncodingFramerateResolutions_3840x2160_240_* [ Failure ]
 # Platform API doesn't report correct 8k 30 framerate for vp09 coded on ChromeOS intel devices.
 crbug.com/373648897 [ chromeos intel angle-vulkan graphite-disabled ] WebCodecs_EncodingFramerateResolutions_7680x3840_30_vp09.00.62.08_prefer-hardware_quality [ Failure ]
diff --git a/media/base/android/java/src/org/chromium/media/VideoAcceleratorUtil.java b/media/base/android/java/src/org/chromium/media/VideoAcceleratorUtil.java
index 0e7a9c77aff579d4e9525e86cee2b98c61ab58a1..c7b7544b26f57135f941a056fadd118bb67cf7f1 100644
--- a/media/base/android/java/src/org/chromium/media/VideoAcceleratorUtil.java
+++ b/media/base/android/java/src/org/chromium/media/VideoAcceleratorUtil.java
@@ -18,10 +18,8 @@ import org.jni_zero.JNINamespace;
 import org.chromium.base.Log;
 import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Arrays;
 import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.HashSet;
-import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
 import java.util.Locale;
 import java.util.Map;
 import java.util.Set;
@@ -56,36 +54,6 @@ class VideoAcceleratorUtil {
     private static final Set<String> TEMPORAL_SVC_SUPPORTING_ENCODERS =
             Set.of("c2.qti.avc.encoder", "c2.exynos.h264.encoder");
-    // Possible supported resolutions.
-    private static final Resolution[] SUPPORTED_RESOLUTIONS = {
-        new Resolution(320, 180),
-        new Resolution(640, 360),
-        new Resolution(1280, 720),
-        new Resolution(1920, 1080),
-        new Resolution(2560, 1440),
-        new Resolution(3840, 2160),
-        new Resolution(5120, 2880),
-        new Resolution(7680, 4320),
-    };
-    private static class Resolution {
-        private int mWidth;
-        private int mHeight;
-        public Resolution(int width, int height) {
-            mWidth = width;
-            mHeight = height;
-        }
-        public int getWidth() {
-            return mWidth;
-        }
-        public int getHeight() {
-            return mHeight;
-        }
-    }
     private static class SupportedProfileAdapter {
         public int profile;
         public int level;
@@ -279,45 +247,30 @@ class VideoAcceleratorUtil {
                 Range<Integer> supportedWidths = videoCapabilities.getSupportedWidths();
                 Range<Integer> supportedHeights =
-                int minWidth = supportedWidths.getLower();
-                int minHeight = supportedHeights.getLower();
-                // Add the possible supported resolutions.
-                ArrayList<Resolution> supportedResolutions =
-                        new ArrayList<Resolution>(Arrays.asList(SUPPORTED_RESOLUTIONS));
-                // Add the max resolution.
-                supportedResolutions.add(
-                        new Resolution(supportedWidths.getUpper(), supportedHeights.getUpper()));
-                LinkedHashMap<Integer, Resolution> frameRateResolutionMap =
-                        new LinkedHashMap<Integer, Resolution>();
-                // Compute the final supported resolution and framerate combinations.
-                for (Resolution supportedResolution : supportedResolutions) {
-                    int supportedWidth = supportedResolution.getWidth();
-                    int supportedHeight = supportedResolution.getHeight();
-                    if (!videoCapabilities.isSizeSupported(supportedWidth, supportedHeight)) {
-                        continue;
-                    }
-                    // Each resolution may have different max supported framerate, so we must
-                    // query the framerate base on width and height.
-                    Range<Double> supportedFrameRates =
-                            videoCapabilities.getSupportedFrameRatesFor(
-                                    supportedWidth, supportedHeight);
-                    int supportedFrameRate =
-                            (int) Math.floor(supportedFrameRates.getUpper().doubleValue());
-                    if (!frameRateResolutionMap.containsKey(supportedFrameRate)) {
-                        frameRateResolutionMap.put(supportedFrameRate, supportedResolution);
-                    } else {
-                        Resolution resolution = frameRateResolutionMap.get(supportedFrameRate);
-                        // If the framerates of the two are the same, always use the higher
-                        // resolution to replace the lower resolution and make sure we won't push
-                        // useless result to the list.
-                        if (supportedWidth >= resolution.getWidth()
-                                && supportedHeight >= resolution.getHeight()) {
-                            frameRateResolutionMap.put(supportedFrameRate, supportedResolution);
-                        }
-                    }
+                // Some devices don't have their max supported level configured correctly, so they
+                // can return max resolutions like 7680x1714 which prevents both 4K and 8K content
+                // from being hardware decoded.
+                //
+                // In cases where supported area is > 4k, but width, height are less than standard
+                // and the standard resolution is supported, use the standard one instead so that at
+                // least 4k support works. See https://crbug.com/41481822.
+                if ((supportedWidths.getUpper() < 3840 || supportedHeights.getUpper() < 2160)
+                        && supportedWidths.getUpper() * supportedHeights.getUpper() >= 3840 * 2160
+                        && videoCapabilities.isSizeSupported(3840, 2160)) {
+                    supportedWidths = new Range<Integer>(supportedWidths.getLower(), 3840);
+                    supportedHeights = new Range<Integer>(supportedHeights.getLower(), 2160);
+                boolean needsPortraitEntry =
+                        !supportedHeights.getUpper().equals(supportedWidths.getUpper())
+                                && videoCapabilities.isSizeSupported(
+                                        supportedHeights.getUpper(), supportedWidths.getUpper());
+                // The frame rate entry in the supported profile is independent of the resolution
+                // range, so we don't query based on the maximum resolution.
+                Range<Integer> supportedFrameRates = videoCapabilities.getSupportedFrameRates();
                 // Since the supported profiles interface doesn't support levels, we just attach
                 // the same min/max to every profile.
                 HashSet<Integer> supportedProfiles = new HashSet<Integer>();
@@ -334,59 +287,43 @@ class VideoAcceleratorUtil {
-                String name = info.getName();
-                boolean isSoftwareCodec = info.isSoftwareOnly();
                 int maxNumberOfTemporalLayers =
-                        getNumberOfTemporalLayers(name.toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault()));
+                        getNumberOfTemporalLayers(info.getName().toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault()));
                 ArrayList<SupportedProfileAdapter> profiles =
                         info.isHardwareAccelerated() ? hardwareProfiles : softwareProfiles;
+                for (int mediaProfile : supportedProfiles) {
+                    SupportedProfileAdapter profile = new SupportedProfileAdapter();
-                for (Map.Entry<Integer, Resolution> frameRateResolution :
-                        frameRateResolutionMap.entrySet()) {
-                    int maxFrameRate = frameRateResolution.getKey();
-                    int maxWidth = frameRateResolution.getValue().getWidth();
-                    int maxHeight = frameRateResolution.getValue().getHeight();
-                    boolean needsPortraitEntry =
-                            maxHeight != maxWidth
-                                    && videoCapabilities.isSizeSupported(maxHeight, maxWidth);
+                    profile.profile = mediaProfile;
+                    profile.minWidth = supportedWidths.getLower();
+                    profile.minHeight = supportedHeights.getLower();
+                    profile.maxWidth = supportedWidths.getUpper();
+                    profile.maxHeight = supportedHeights.getUpper();
+                    profile.maxFramerateNumerator = supportedFrameRates.getUpper();
+                    profile.maxFramerateDenominator = 1;
+                    profile.supportsCbr = supportsCbr;
+                    profile.supportsVbr = supportsVbr;
+                    profile.name = info.getName();
+                    profile.isSoftwareCodec = info.isSoftwareOnly();
+                    profile.maxNumberOfTemporalLayers = maxNumberOfTemporalLayers;
+                    profiles.add(profile);
-                    for (int mediaProfile : supportedProfiles) {
-                        SupportedProfileAdapter profile = new SupportedProfileAdapter();
+                    // Invert min/max height/width for a portrait mode entry if needed.
+                    if (needsPortraitEntry) {
+                        profile = new SupportedProfileAdapter();
                         profile.profile = mediaProfile;
-                        profile.minWidth = minWidth;
-                        profile.minHeight = minHeight;
-                        profile.maxWidth = maxWidth;
-                        profile.maxHeight = maxHeight;
-                        profile.maxFramerateNumerator = maxFrameRate;
+                        profile.minWidth = supportedHeights.getLower();
+                        profile.minHeight = supportedWidths.getLower();
+                        profile.maxWidth = supportedHeights.getUpper();
+                        profile.maxHeight = supportedWidths.getUpper();
+                        profile.maxFramerateNumerator = supportedFrameRates.getUpper();
                         profile.maxFramerateDenominator = 1;
                         profile.supportsCbr = supportsCbr;
                         profile.supportsVbr = supportsVbr;
-                        profile.name = name;
-                        profile.isSoftwareCodec = isSoftwareCodec;
-                        profile.maxNumberOfTemporalLayers = maxNumberOfTemporalLayers;
+                        profile.name = info.getName();
+                        profile.isSoftwareCodec = info.isSoftwareOnly();
-                        // Invert min/max height/width for a portrait mode entry if needed.
-                        if (needsPortraitEntry) {
-                            profile = new SupportedProfileAdapter();
-                            profile.profile = mediaProfile;
-                            profile.minWidth = minHeight;
-                            profile.minHeight = minWidth;
-                            profile.maxWidth = maxHeight;
-                            profile.maxHeight = maxWidth;
-                            profile.maxFramerateNumerator = maxFrameRate;
-                            profile.maxFramerateDenominator = 1;
-                            profile.supportsCbr = supportsCbr;
-                            profile.supportsVbr = supportsVbr;
-                            profile.name = name;
-                            profile.isSoftwareCodec = isSoftwareCodec;
-                            profile.maxNumberOfTemporalLayers = maxNumberOfTemporalLayers;
-                            profiles.add(profile);
-                        }