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staging -> production: aptly: Don't re-publish repositories on project updates

Ariel D'Alessandro requested to merge collabora/staging into collabora/production

Aptly is currently re-publishing (dropping and publishing again) repositories when the project configuration is changed. This is performed to update the components and architectures of the published distribution based on the updated project configuration.

OBS/aptly contains a hack allowing the usage of slashes / in the publish distribution field, which we're currently using to have the snapshots published in the same prefix and using a distribution name with the form: $release/snapshots/$timestamp. This makes the snapshots folder to be inside the same dists directory where the repositories are published.

There's a bug in the above implementation, where:

  • OBS project configuration is updated, triggering a re-publishing of the distribution.
  • Aptly drops the published distribution.
  • If aptly doesn't have any other distribution published in the same prefix, it will remove the entire dists folder, with all the snapshots in it.
  • Aptly publishes the distribution again.

This bug is making aptly to drop all the snapshots, as it assumes these can't be stored within the published distribution.

Let's HACK this quickly by disabling the re-publishing temporarily. Note that OBS will create the aptly repositories and publish them on the first project configuration, but it won't re-publish it at all on further config updates.

Signed-off-by: Ariel D'Alessandro

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