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api: models: Consider group roles to compute forbidden projects


Issue summary

There's an issue in the frontend, not considering the group relationships for the different projects.

For example: adding a group as maintainer role is expected to allow its members to see/modify the hidden project.

<project name="testproject">
  <person userid="Admin" role="maintainer"/>
  <group groupid="testgroup" role="maintainer"/>

This is not working as expected. Login in as a member of testgroup is still not being able to access project testproject nor see it.


The project model is querying the database by name in:

  def self.find_by_name(name, opts = {})
    dbp = find_by(name: name)

but the project model contains a default_scope defined at:

  default_scope { where(' not in (?)', Relationship.forbidden_project_ids) }

which will filter out projects in advance if are contained in Relationship.forbidden_project_ids.

This is computed in:

  # calculate and cache forbidden_project_ids for users
  def self.forbidden_project_ids

The query is considering those projects with access=disable, but it's only considering the user relationships (i.e. <person> tags in the project meta config).

      Relationship.find_by_sql("SELECT ur.project_id, ur.user_id from flags f,
                relationships ur where f.flag = 'access' and f.status = 'disable' and ur.project_id = f.project_id").each do |r|

So, indeed, the group relationships (i.e. <group> tags in the project meta config) are missing.

Edited by Ariel D'Alessandro

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