diff --git a/deqp/results.py b/deqp/results.py
index f6ccb9a28a3e43e7946b43dd3b53e0241bf740e4..0d1fabdae6bfff8d79b3120decc99a55bc1000ae 100644
--- a/deqp/results.py
+++ b/deqp/results.py
@@ -16,6 +16,20 @@
 import json
 import re
+import sys
+class bcolors:
+    HEADER = '\033[95m'
+    OKBLUE = '\033[94m'
+    OKGREEN = '\033[92m'
+    WARNING = '\033[93m'
+    FAIL = '\033[91m'
+    ENDC = '\033[0m'
+    BOLD = '\033[1m'
+    UNDERLINE = '\033[4m'
+    STRIKETHROUGH = '\033[9m'
+    UNKNOWN = '\033[4m'
 class Results:
@@ -26,6 +40,16 @@ class Results:
     COMMENTS = "Comments"
     VERSION = "Version"
+    StateColors = {
+        "Fail": bcolors.FAIL,
+        "InternalError": bcolors.WARNING,
+        "Incomplete": bcolors.WARNING,
+        "NotSupported": bcolors.STRIKETHROUGH,
+        "Pass": bcolors.OKGREEN,
+        "QualityWarning": bcolors.OKBLUE,
+        "Unknown": bcolors.UNKNOWN
+        }
     def __init__(self, results=None, header=None):
         if results is None:
             self._results = {}
@@ -80,6 +104,87 @@ class Results:
         if len(results._header[self.ENV]) > 0:
+    def get_key_sets(self, results):
+        old_keys = set(self._results.keys())
+        new_keys = set(results._results.keys())
+        shared_keys = old_keys.intersection(new_keys)
+        return (shared_keys,
+                new_keys.difference(shared_keys),
+                old_keys.difference(shared_keys))
+    def update_with_compare(self, results):
+        change_counts = {}
+        (shared_keys, new_keys, dropped_keys) = self.get_key_sets(results)
+        for k in shared_keys:
+            oldval = self._results[k]
+            newval = results._results[k]
+            if oldval != newval:
+                change = "{} -> {}".format(oldval, newval)
+                c = change_counts.setdefault(change, 0)
+                change_counts[change] = c + 1
+        if len(new_keys) > 0:
+            change_counts["Tests new"] = len(new_keys)
+        if len(dropped_keys) > 0:
+            change_counts["Tests dropped"] = len(dropped_keys)
+        self.update(results)
+        self._header[self.COMMENTS]["Difference"] = change_counts
+        return change_counts
+    def diff(self, results):
+        out_string = ""
+        change_counts = {}
+        (shared_keys, new_keys, dropped_keys) = self.get_key_sets(results)
+        for k in sorted(shared_keys):
+            oldval = self._results[k]
+            newval = results._results[k]
+            col = bcolors.ENDC
+            if oldval != newval:
+                if newval == "Fail":
+                    col = bcolors.FAIL
+                elif newval == "Pass":
+                    col = bcolors.OKGREEN
+                elif newval == "QualityWarning":
+                    if "oldval" == "Pass":
+                        col = bcolors.WARNING
+                    else:
+                        col = bcolors.OKBLUE
+                elif newval == "NotSupported":
+                    col = bcolors.STRIKETHROUGH
+                elif newval == "Incomplete" or newval == "InternalError":
+                    if oldval == "Pass" or oldval == "QualityWarning":
+                        col = bcolors.FAIL
+                    else:
+                        col = bcolors.UNDERLINE
+                else:
+                    col = bcolors.UNKNOWN
+                change = "{} -> {}".format(oldval, newval)
+                c = change_counts.setdefault(change, 0)
+                change_counts[change] = c + 1
+                # Only print colors when on a TTY
+                if sys.stdout.isatty():
+                    oldval = self.StateColors.get(oldval, bcolors.UNKNOWN) + oldval + bcolors.ENDC
+                    newval = self.StateColors.get(newval, bcolors.UNKNOWN) + newval + bcolors.ENDC
+                    out_string = out_string + "{}{} {} -> {}\n".format(col, k, oldval, newval)
+                else:
+                    out_string = out_string + "{} {} -> {}\n".format(k, oldval, newval)
+        if len(new_keys) > 0:
+            change_counts["Tests new"] = len(new_keys)
+        if len(dropped_keys) > 0:
+            change_counts["Tests dropped"] = len(dropped_keys)
+        out_string = out_string + "Change stats:\n"
+        for key, value in sorted(change_counts.items()):
+            out_string = out_string + "    {}:{}\n".format(key, value)
+        return out_string
     def atoi(t):
         return int(t) if t.isdigit() else t
diff --git a/deqp_submit.py b/deqp_submit.py
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
index 632c6730d5ca157918785c797fbce1ed7c02efeb..1ec746be2e1a402241fedb72de9dee287ce164e6
--- a/deqp_submit.py
+++ b/deqp_submit.py
@@ -196,51 +196,80 @@ def parse_input_file(f):
         return Results.read(f)
     elif '#beginTestCaseResult' in head:
         return parse_input_file_xml(f)
-    elif head.startswith('# Fail'):
+    elif head.startswith('# Fail') or head.startswith('# Com') :
         return parse_input_file_volt_deqp(f)
         return parse_input_file_deqp_runner(f)
-def update_results_file(git, args):
-    results_dir_full = get_results_dir(git.repo)
-    results_path = os.path.join(results_dir_full, args.results_file)
+def get_old_results(results_path):
     results = None
     if os.path.isfile(results_path):
         with log("Reading existing results from '%s'" % results_path):
             with open_file(results_path, "r") as fout:
                 results = parse_input_file(fout)
+    return results
+def save_results(results_path, results):
+    with log("Writing results to '%s'" % results_path):
+        with open_file(results_path, "w") as fout:
+            results.write(fout)
+def read_results(git, args):
+    results_dir_full = get_results_dir(git.repo)
+    results_path = os.path.join(results_dir_full, args.results_file)
+    results = get_old_results(results_path)
+    new_results = None
     for f in args.file:
         with log("Reading new results from '%s'" % f):
             with open(f, "r") as fin:
                 new_results = parse_input_file(fin)
-                if results is not None:
-                    results.update(new_results)
-                else:
-                    results = new_results
+    return (results_path, results, new_results)
-    with log("Writing results to '%s'" % results_path):
-        with open_file(results_path, "w") as fout:
-            results.write(fout)
-    return results_path
+def print_diff(git, args):
+    (results_path, results, new_results) = read_results(git, args)
+    if (new_results is not None) and (results is not None):
+        print(results.diff(new_results))
+    else:
+        log("No results to compare")
+def update_results_file(git, args):
+    (results_path, results, new_results) = read_results(git, args)
+    diff_info = None
+    if new_results is not None:
+        if results is not None:
+            diff_info = results.update_with_compare(new_results)
+        else:
+            results = new_results
+        save_results(results_path, results)
+    return (results_path, diff_info)
 def cmd_upload(args):
     git = Git(git_repo, git_url, args.email)
-    try:
-        results_path = update_results_file(git, args)
+    (results_path, diff_info) = update_results_file(git, args)
+    try:
         with log("Commiting results to git"):
             git.commit(results_path, args.message)
         if not args.commit_only:
             with log("Uploading results to gitlab"):
+        if diff_info is not None:
+            print("Change stats:")
+            for key, value in sorted(diff_info.items()):
+                print("    {}:{}".format(key, value))
@@ -248,17 +277,7 @@ def cmd_upload(args):
 def cmd_diff(args):
     git = Git(git_repo, git_url)
-    try:
-        results_path = update_results_file(git, args)
-        git.add(results_path)
-        for l in git.diff_iter():
-            print(l, end='')
-    finally:
-        with log("Restoring local git state"):
-            git.reset_hard()
+    print_diff(git, args)
 if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/tests/test_results.py b/tests/test_results.py
index 50e3db6e76b0f1b113e036a5aad1c99455b2cbb9..30f47392b5e8330808720aafce020ec4e2758d39 100644
--- a/tests/test_results.py
+++ b/tests/test_results.py
@@ -41,6 +41,24 @@ Test4 Unsupported
 Test5 Unsupported
+input_unknown = """{
+  "Summary" : {
+    "CompatibilityWarning" : 1,
+    "Fail" : 1,
+    "Pass" : 2,
+    "Unsupported" : 1
+  },
+  "Environment" : {
+    "host-mesa" : "18.2.0-git111112"
+  }
+Test1 Fail
+Test2 Pass
+Test3 Pass
+Test4 Unsupported
+Test5 CompatibilityWarning
 input2 = """{
   "Summary" : {
@@ -59,6 +77,11 @@ Test4 Unsupported
 Test6 Fail
+diff_1_unknown = """\x1b[9mTest5 \x1b[9mUnsupported\x1b[0m -> \x1b[9mCompatibilityWarning\x1b[0m
+Change stats:
+    Unsupported -> CompatibilityWarning:1
 update_1_with_2 = """{
   "Comments": {},
   "Environment": {
@@ -79,6 +102,26 @@ Test5 Unsupported
 Test6 Fail
+update_1_with_unknown = """{
+  "Comments": {},
+  "Environment": {
+    "host-mesa": "18.2.0-git111112"
+  },
+  "Summary": {
+    "CompatibilityWarning": 1,
+    "Fail": 1,
+    "Pass": 2,
+    "Unsupported": 1
+  },
+  "Version": "deqp 1"
+Test1 Fail
+Test2 Pass
+Test3 Pass
+Test4 Unsupported
+Test5 CompatibilityWarning
 class ReadJson(unittest.TestCase):
@@ -133,6 +176,29 @@ class ReadJson(unittest.TestCase):
         self.assertEqual(output_file.getvalue(), update_1_with_2)
+    def test_update_1_with_unknown_output(self):
+        input_file = io.StringIO(input)
+        data1 = Results.read(input_file)
+        input_file = io.StringIO(input_unknown)
+        data2 = Results.read(input_file)
+        data1.update(data2)
+        output_file = io.StringIO()
+        data1.write(output_file)
+        self.assertEqual(output_file.getvalue(), update_1_with_unknown)
+    def test_print_diff_with_unknown(self):
+        input_file = io.StringIO(input)
+        data1 = Results.read(input_file)
+        input_file = io.StringIO(input_unknown)
+        data2 = Results.read(input_file)
+        self.assertEqual(data1.diff(data2), diff_1_unknown)
 if __name__ == '__main__':