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  • Julien Isorce's avatar
    darwin: Suppress type conversion warnings for GLhandleARB · c7f36574
    Julien Isorce authored
    This patch and its description are inspired from Jose Fonseca
    explanations and suggestions.
    With this patch the following logic applies and only if __APPLE__:
    When building mesa, GLhandleARB is defined as unsigned long and
    at some point casted to GLuint in gl fuction implementations.
    These exact points are where these errors and warnings appear.
    When building an application GLhandleARB is defined as void*.
    Later when calling a gl function, for example glBindAttribLocationARB,
    it will be dispatched to _mesa_BindAttribLocation. So internally
    void* will be treated as unsigned long which has the same size.
    So the same truncation happens when casting it to GLuint.
    Same when GLhandleARB appears as return value.
    For mesa it will be GLuint -> unsigned long.
    For an application it will be GLuint -> unsigned long -> void*.
    Note that the value will be preserved when casting back to GLuint.
    When GLhandleARB appears as a pointer there are also separate
    entry-points, i.e. _mesa_FuncNameARB. So the same logic can
    be applied.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJulien Isorce <>
    Reviewed-by: default avatarJose Fonseca <>
    Reviewed-by: default avatarEmil Velikov <>