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  • Marshall Greenblatt's avatar
    Implement Views framework on Windows and Linux (issue #1749). · 06e73fff
    Marshall Greenblatt authored
    - Add Views header files in a new include/views directory.
    - Add initial top-level window (CefWindow), control (CefBrowserView,
      CefLabelButton, CefMenuButton, CefPanel, CefScrollView,
      CefTextfield) and layout (CefBoxLayout, CefFlowLayout) support.
      See libcef/browser/views/view_impl.h comments for implementation
    - Add Views example usage in cefclient and cefsimple and Views unit
      tests in cef_unittests. Pass the `--use-views` command-line flag to
      cefclient, cefsimple and cef_unittests to run using the Views
      framework instead of platform APIs. For cefclient and cefsimple
      this will create the browser window and all related functionality
      using the Views framework. For cef_unittests this will run all
      tests (except OSR tests) in a Views-based browser window. Views-
      specific unit tests (`--gtest_filter=Views*`) will be run even if
      the the `--use-views` flag is not specified.
    - Pass the `--hide-frame` command-line flag to...