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  • thakis's avatar
    Add missing .h files to .gn files that have a .cc file next to it in the gn file already. · b8590c94
    thakis authored
    I downloaded
    as a csv file, and removed the header line and all columns except the filename.
    Then i ran this script to create this CL:
        import os, re, subprocess
        edits = {}
        for filename in open('/Users/thakis/Downloads/files.txt'):
          filename = filename.strip()
          if not filename.endswith('.h'):
          basename = os.path.basename(filename)
          cc = r'\b' + os.path.splitext(basename)[0] + r'\.(cc|cpp|mm)\b'
          p = subprocess.Popen(['git', 'grep', '-En', cc, '--', '*.gn', '*.gni'],
    			   stdout = subprocess.PIPE)
          out, _ = p.communicate()
          if p.returncode != 0 or not out:
          for gnline in out.splitlines():
    	gnfile, linenr, contents = gnline.split(':')
    	linenr = int(linenr)
    	new = re.sub(cc, basename, contents)
    	print gnfile, linenr, new
    	edits.setdefault(gnfile, {})[lin...