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  • scottmg's avatar
    Improve EAT_STREAM_PARAMETERS for Windows x86 · 3c957a58
    scottmg authored
    Dumps of check_example.exe
      00404EDC: 55                 push        ebp
      00404EDD: 8B EC              mov         ebp,esp
      00404EDF: 80 7D 08 00        cmp         byte ptr [ebp+8],0
      00404EE3: 75 07              jne         00404EEC
      00404EE5: C6 05 00 00 00 00  mov         byte ptr ds:[0],0
      00404EEC: 5D                 pop         ebp
      00404EED: C3                 ret
      00404EEE: 55                 push        ebp
      00404EEF: 8B EC              mov         ebp,esp
      00404EF1: 51                 push        ecx
      00404EF2: 83 65 FC 00        and         dword ptr [ebp-4],0
      00404EF6: 80 7D 08 00        cmp         byte ptr [ebp+8],0
      00404EFA: 75 07              jne         00404F03
      00404EFC: C6 05 00 00 00 00  mov         byte ptr ds:[0],0
      00404F03: 8B E5              mov         esp,ebp
      00404F05: 5D                 pop         ebp
      00404F06: C3                 ret
      00404F07: 55                 push        ebp
      00404F08: 8B EC              mov         ebp,esp
      00404F0A: 83 7D 08 02        cmp         dword ptr [ebp+8],2
      00404F0E: 53                 push        ebx
      00404F0F: 0F 9F C3           setg        bl
      00404F12: 53                 push        ebx
      00404F13: E8 D6 FF FF FF     call        ?DoCheck@@YAX_N@Z
      00404F18: 53                 push        ebx
      00404F19: E8 BE FF FF FF     call        ?DoBlinkReleaseAssert@@YAX_N@Z
      00404F1E: 59                 pop         ecx
      00404F1F: 59                 pop         ecx
      00404F20: 33 C0              xor         eax,eax
      00404F22: 5B                 pop         ebx
      00404F23: 5D                 pop         ebp
      00404F24: C3                 ret
    After this CL:
      00404EAC: 55                 push        ebp
      00404EAD: 8B EC              mov         ebp,esp
      00404EAF: 80 7D 08 00        cmp         byte ptr [ebp+8],0
      00404EB3: 75 07              jne         00404EBC
      00404EB5: C6 05 00 00 00 00  mov         byte ptr ds:[0],0
      00404EBC: 5D                 pop         ebp
      00404EBD: C3                 ret
      00404EBE: 55                 push        ebp
      00404EBF: 8B EC              mov         ebp,esp
      00404EC1: 83 7D 08 02        cmp         dword ptr [ebp+8],2
      00404EC5: 53                 push        ebx
      00404EC6: 0F 9F C3           setg        bl
      00404EC9: 53                 push        ebx
      00404ECA: E8 DD FF FF FF     call        ?DoBlinkReleaseAssert@@YAX_N@Z
      00404ECF: 53                 push        ebx
      00404ED0: E8 D7 FF FF FF     call        ?DoBlinkReleaseAssert@@YAX_N@Z
      00404ED5: 59                 pop         ecx
      00404ED6: 59                 pop         ecx
      00404ED7: 33 C0              xor         eax,eax
      00404ED9: 5B                 pop         ebx
      00404EDA: 5D                 pop         ebp
      00404EDB: C3                 ret
    Amusingly, I was confused because I thought I was going crazy when
    DoCheck wasn't showing up in the /disasm. But of course, it's because it
    got COMDAT'd with the Blink one, as we want. :)
    Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#437777}