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  • Nico Weber's avatar
    Don't build vulkan_validation_layers on macOS. · fac68170
    Nico Weber authored
    angle_enable_vulkan_validation_layers is false on is_mac,
    so it looks like they were built by accident. Guard the dep
    on $angle_root/src/common/vulkan:vulkan_validation_layers by
    angle_enable_vulkan_validation_layers instead of angle_enable_vulkan,
    and only define the target if angle_enable_vulkan_validation_layers
    is true (because src/common/vulkan/ gets loaded due to deps
    on other targets in it, and when a .gn file is loaded all the
    targets in it get defined).
    Since vulkan_validation_layers doesn't currently build on
    arm macs, this happens to fix a build problem there, but it
    also makes the build on intel macs a bit smaller.
    This sidesteps comment 13 on the bug. If we ever want to use
    the validation layers on mac, we'll have to do a real fix then.
    Bug: chromium:1098741
    Change-Id: I8164ff13de98d34ed875c6e6d0550eae64b2d0dd
    Commit-Queue: Nico Weber <>
    Reviewed-by: default avatarJamie Madill <>