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Fixed encoder issue for patch v12.

Nas Chung requested to merge nas/fix-encoder-issue into wave5-dev
  1. Encoded data is bigger than before.
  • Typo bug
  • vpu_write_reg(inst->dev, W5_CMD_ENC_SEQ_RC_PARAM, 0);
  • Change 0 to reg_val
  1. Encoded data is crashed.
  • gst-launch-1.0 filesrc location=./BasketballPass_416x240_50.yuv ! rawvideoparse width=416 height=240 format=i420 framerate=30/1 colorimetry=bt601 ! v4l2h264enc extra-controls="controls,horizontal_flip=1,vertical_flip=1" ! filesink location=./h264_hor_ver_i420.bin
  • vpu_write_reg(inst->dev, W5_CMD_ENC_PIC_CUSTOM_MAP_OPTION_PARAM, 0);
  • Please add the above register setting in wave5_vpu_encode().

We use the same register address for each command. So, the value which is updated in previous command is remained in register. If current command also refer the same register address with different usage, the remained value makes the problem.

Merge request reports