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  • Martin Gräßlin's avatar
    Support interactive window selection through the Platform · 7b464cf2
    Martin Gräßlin authored
    A new virtual method is added to Platform:
    The interactive window selection enters a mode where the user can select
    a window through the pointer or keyboard device. The cursor is turned
    into a crosshair cursor, unless another cursor name is provided (e.g.
    pirate for kill window).
    Once a window is selected the provided callback method is invoked with
    the selected Toplevel as argument. In case the user cancelled the
    selection a nullptr argument is passed in.
    Currently it's only implemented by the X11 standalone platform using the
    logic from KillWindow. Just instead of killing the window the callback
    is invoked.
    KillWindow loses the X11 implementation and interacts with the new
    functionality in Platform by providing a lambda function for the
    Test Plan: Killing of X11 windows is still possible
    Reviewers: #kwin, #plasma
    Subscribers: plasma-devel, kwin
    Tags: #kwin
    Differential Revision: