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  • Stavros Vagionitis's avatar
    souphttpsrc: Make non-inclusive segment boundaries inclusive · 21c6da67
    Stavros Vagionitis authored
    The problem is that the filesrc and souphttpsrc are behaving
    differently regarding the calculation of the segment boundaries. The
    filesrc is using a non-inclusive boundaries, while the souphttpsrc
    uses inclusive. Currently the hlsdemux calculates the boundaries as
    inclusive, so for this reason there is no problem with the souphttpsrc,
    but there is an issue in the filesrc.
    The GstSegment is non-inclusive, so the proposed solution is to use
    non-inclusive boundaries in the hlsdemux in order to be consistent.
    Make the change in the hlsdemux, will break the souphttpsrc, which
    will expect inclusive boundaries, but the hlsdemux will offer
    non-inclusive. This change makes sure that the non-inclusive
    boundaries are converted to inclusive.