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  • Olof Johansson's avatar
    devicetree: Move include prefixes from arch to separate directory · d5d332d3
    Olof Johansson authored
    We use a directory under arch/$ARCH/boot/dts as an include path
    that has links outside of the subtree to find dt-bindings from under
    include/dt-bindings. That's been working well, but new DT architectures
    haven't been adding them by default.
    Recently there's been a desire to share some of the DT material between
    arm and arm64, which originally caused developers to create symlinks or
    relative includes between the subtrees. This isn't ideal -- it breaks
    if the DT files aren't stored in the exact same hierarchy as the kernel
    tree, and generally it's just icky.
    As a somewhat cleaner solution we decided to add a $ARCH/ prefix link
    once, and allow DTS files to reference dtsi (and dts) files in other
    architectures that way.
    Original approach was to create these links under each architecture,
    but it lead to the problem of recursive symlinks.
    As a remedy, move the include link directories out of the architecture
    trees into a common location. At ...