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// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// mini_installer.exe is the first exe that is run when chrome is being
// installed or upgraded. It is designed to be extremely small (~5KB with no
// extra resources linked) and it has two main jobs:
//   1) unpack the resources (possibly decompressing some)
//   2) run the real installer (setup.exe) with appropiate flags.
// In order to be really small we don't link against the CRT and we define the
// following compiler/linker flags:
//   EnableIntrinsicFunctions="true" compiler: /Oi
//   BasicRuntimeChecks="0"
//   BufferSecurityCheck="false" compiler: /GS-
//   EntryPointSymbol="MainEntryPoint" linker: /ENTRY
//   IgnoreAllDefaultLibraries="true" linker: /NODEFAULTLIB
//   OptimizeForWindows98="1"  liker: /OPT:NOWIN98
//   linker: /SAFESEH:NO
// Also some built-in code that the compiler relies on is not defined so we
// are forced to manually link against it. It comes in the form of two
// object files that exist in $(VCInstallDir)\crt\src which are memset.obj and
// P4_memset.obj. These two object files rely on the existence of a static
// variable named __sse2_available which indicates the presence of intel sse2
// extensions. We define it to false which causes a slower but safe code for
// memcpy and memset intrinsics.

// having the linker merge the sections is saving us ~500 bytes.
#pragma comment(linker, "/MERGE:.rdata=.text")

#include <windows.h>
#include <shlwapi.h>

#include "chrome/installer/mini_installer/appid.h"
#include "chrome/installer/mini_installer/mini_installer.h"
#include "chrome/installer/mini_installer/pe_resource.h"

// Required linker symbol. See remarks above.
extern "C" unsigned int __sse2_available = 0;

namespace mini_installer {

// This structure passes data back and forth for the processing
// of resource callbacks.
struct Context {
  // Input to the call back method. Specifies the dir to save resources.
  const wchar_t* base_path;
  // First output from call back method. Full path of Chrome archive.
  wchar_t* chrome_resource_path;
  // Size of chrome_resource_path buffer
  size_t chrome_resource_path_size;
  // Second output from call back method. Full path of Setup archive/exe.
  wchar_t* setup_resource_path;
  // Size of setup_resource_path buffer
  size_t setup_resource_path_size;
// A helper class used to manipulate the Windows registry.  Typically, members
// return Windows last-error codes a la the Win32 registry API.
class RegKey {
  RegKey() : key_(NULL) { }
  ~RegKey() { Close(); }

  // Opens the key named |sub_key| with given |access| rights.  Returns
  // ERROR_SUCCESS or some other error.
  LONG Open(HKEY key, const wchar_t* sub_key, REGSAM access);

  // Returns true if a key is open.
  bool is_valid() const { return key_ != NULL; }

  // Read a REG_SZ value from the registry into the memory indicated by |value|
  // (of |value_size| wchar_t units).  Returns ERROR_SUCCESS,
  // ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, ERROR_MORE_DATA, or some other error.  |value| is
  // guaranteed to be null-terminated on success.
  LONG ReadValue(const wchar_t* value_name,
                 wchar_t* value,
                 size_t value_size) const;

  // Write a REG_SZ value to the registry.  |value| must be null-terminated.
  // Returns ERROR_SUCCESS or an error code.
  LONG WriteValue(const wchar_t* value_name, const wchar_t* value);

  // Closes the key if it was open.
  void Close();

  RegKey(const RegKey&);
  RegKey& operator=(const RegKey&);

  HKEY key_;
};  // class RegKey

LONG RegKey::Open(HKEY key, const wchar_t* sub_key, REGSAM access) {
  return ::RegOpenKeyEx(key, sub_key, NULL, access, &key_);

LONG RegKey::ReadValue(const wchar_t* value_name,
                       wchar_t* value,
                       size_t value_size) const {
  DWORD type;
  DWORD byte_length = static_cast<DWORD>(value_size * sizeof(wchar_t));
  LONG result = ::RegQueryValueEx(key_, value_name, NULL, &type,
  if (result == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
    if (type != REG_SZ) {
      result = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED;
    } else if (byte_length == 0) {
      *value = L'\0';
    } else if (value[byte_length/sizeof(wchar_t) - 1] != L'\0') {
      if ((byte_length / sizeof(wchar_t)) < value_size)
        value[byte_length / sizeof(wchar_t)] = L'\0';
        result = ERROR_MORE_DATA;
  return result;

LONG RegKey::WriteValue(const wchar_t* value_name, const wchar_t* value) {
  return ::RegSetValueEx(key_, value_name, 0, REG_SZ,
                         reinterpret_cast<const BYTE*>(value),
                         (lstrlen(value) + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t));

void RegKey::Close() {
  if (key_ != NULL) {
    key_ = NULL;

// Returns true if the given two ASCII characters are same (ignoring case).
bool EqualASCIICharI(wchar_t a, wchar_t b) {
  if (a >= L'A' && a <= L'Z')
    a = a + (L'a' - L'A');
  if (b >= L'A' && b <= L'Z')
    b = b + (L'a' - L'A');
  return (a == b);

// Takes the path to file and returns a pointer to the filename component. For
// exmaple for input of c:\full\path\to\file.ext it returns pointer to file.ext.
// It returns NULL if extension or path separator is not found.
wchar_t* GetNameFromPathExt(wchar_t* path, size_t size) {
    return NULL;

  wchar_t* current = &path[size - 1];
  while (current != path && L'\\' != *current)

  return (current == path) ? NULL : (current + 1);

// Simple replacement for CRT string copy method that does not overflow.
// Returns true if the source was copied successfully otherwise returns false.
// Parameter src is assumed to be NULL terminated and the NULL character is
// copied over to string dest.
bool SafeStrCopy(wchar_t* dest, size_t dest_size, const wchar_t* src) {
  for (size_t length = 0; length < dest_size; ++dest, ++src, ++length) {
    *dest = *src;
      return true;
  return false;

// Safer replacement for lstrcat function.
bool SafeStrCat(wchar_t* dest, size_t dest_size, const wchar_t* src) {
  int str_len = ::lstrlen(dest);
  return SafeStrCopy(dest + str_len, dest_size - str_len, src);

// Function to check if a string (specified by str) ends with another string
// (specified by end_str).
bool StrEndsWith(const wchar_t* str, const wchar_t* end_str) {
  if (str == NULL || end_str == NULL)
    return false;

  for (int i = lstrlen(str) - 1, j = lstrlen(end_str) - 1; j >= 0; --i, --j) {
    if (i < 0 || !EqualASCIICharI(str[i], end_str[j]))
      return false;

  return true;

// Function to check if a string (specified by str) starts with another string
// (specified by start_str).
bool StrStartsWith(const wchar_t* str, const wchar_t* start_str) {
  if (str == NULL || start_str == NULL)
    return false;

  for (int i = 0; start_str[i] != L'\0'; ++i) {
    if (!EqualASCIICharI(str[i], start_str[i]))
// Searches for |tag| within |str|.  Returns true if |tag| is found and is
// immediately followed by '-' or is at the end of the string.  If |position|
// is non-NULL, the location of the tag is returned in |*position| on success.
bool FindTagInStr(const wchar_t* str,
                  const wchar_t* tag,
                  const wchar_t** position) {
  int tag_length = ::lstrlen(tag);
  const wchar_t* scan = str;
  for (const wchar_t* tag_start = StrStrI(scan, tag); tag_start != NULL;
       tag_start = StrStrI(scan, tag)) {
    scan = tag_start + tag_length;
    if (*scan == L'-' || *scan == L'\0') {
      if (position != NULL)
        *position = tag_start;
      return true;
  return false;

// Helper function to read a value from registry. Returns true if value
// is read successfully and stored in parameter value. Returns false otherwise.
bool ReadValueFromRegistry(HKEY root_key, const wchar_t *sub_key,
                           const wchar_t *value_name, wchar_t *value,
                           size_t size) {
  RegKey key;

  if (key.Open(root_key, sub_key, KEY_QUERY_VALUE) == ERROR_SUCCESS &&
      key.ReadValue(value_name, value, size) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
    return true;
  return false;

// Opens the Google Update ClientState key for a product.
bool OpenClientStateKey(HKEY root_key, const wchar_t* app_guid, REGSAM access,
                        RegKey* key) {
  wchar_t client_state_key[128];

  return SafeStrCopy(client_state_key, _countof(client_state_key),
                     kApRegistryKeyBase) &&
         SafeStrCat(client_state_key, _countof(client_state_key), app_guid) &&
         (key->Open(root_key, client_state_key, access) == ERROR_SUCCESS);

// TODO(grt): Write a unit test for this that uses registry virtualization.
void SetInstallerFlagsHelper(int args_num, const wchar_t* const* args) {
  bool multi_install = false;
  RegKey key;
  const REGSAM key_access = KEY_QUERY_VALUE | KEY_SET_VALUE;
  const wchar_t* app_guid = google_update::kAppGuid;

  for (int i = 1; i < args_num; ++i) {
    if (0 == ::lstrcmpi(args[i], L"--chrome-sxs"))
      app_guid = google_update::kSxSAppGuid;
    else if (0 == ::lstrcmpi(args[i], L"--chrome-frame"))
      app_guid = google_update::kChromeFrameAppGuid;
    else if (0 == ::lstrcmpi(args[i], L"--multi-install"))
      multi_install = true;
    else if (0 == ::lstrcmpi(args[i], L"--system-level"))
      root_key = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE;
  // When multi_install is true, we are potentially:
  // 1. Performing a multi-install of some product(s) on a clean machine.
  //    Neither the product(s) nor the multi-installer will have a ClientState
  //    key in the registry, so there is nothing to be done.
  // 2. Upgrading an existing multi-install.  The multi-installer will have a
  //    ClientState key in the registry.  Only it need be modified.
  // 3. Migrating a single-install into a multi-install.  The product will have
  //    a ClientState key in the registry.  Only it need be modified.
  // To handle all cases, we inspect the product's ClientState to see if it
  // exists and its "ap" value does not contain "-multi".  This is case 3, so we
  // modify the product's ClientState.  Otherwise, we check the
  // multi-installer's ClientState and modify it if it exists.
  if (multi_install) {
    if (OpenClientStateKey(root_key, app_guid, key_access, &key)) {
      // The app is installed.  See if it's a single-install.
      ret = key.ReadValue(kApRegistryValueName, value, _countof(value));
      if (ret != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND &&
          (ret != ERROR_SUCCESS ||
           FindTagInStr(value, kMultiInstallTag, NULL))) {
        // Error or case 2: modify the multi-installer's value.
        app_guid = google_update::kMultiInstallAppGuid;
      app_guid = google_update::kMultiInstallAppGuid;
    if (!OpenClientStateKey(root_key, app_guid, key_access, &key))

    ret = key.ReadValue(kApRegistryValueName, value, _countof(value));

  // The conditions below are handling two cases:
  // 1. When ap key is present, we want to add the required tags only if they
  //    are not present.
  // 2. When ap key is missing, we are going to create it with the required
  //    tags.
  if ((ret == ERROR_SUCCESS) || (ret == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)) {
    if (ret == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)
      value[0] = L'\0';

    bool success = true;

    if (multi_install &&
        !FindTagInStr(value, kMultifailInstallerSuffix, NULL)) {
      // We want -multifail to immediately precede -full.  Chop off the latter
      // if it's already present so that we can simply do two appends.
      if (StrEndsWith(value, kFullInstallerSuffix)) {
        int suffix_len = ::lstrlen(kFullInstallerSuffix);
        int value_len = ::lstrlen(value);
        value[value_len - suffix_len] = L'\0';
      success = SafeStrCat(value, _countof(value), kMultifailInstallerSuffix);
    if (success && !StrEndsWith(value, kFullInstallerSuffix) &&
        (SafeStrCat(value, _countof(value), kFullInstallerSuffix)))
      key.WriteValue(kApRegistryValueName, value);

// This function sets the flag in registry to indicate that Google Update
// should try full installer next time. If the current installer works, this
// flag is cleared by setup.exe at the end of install. The flag will by default
// be written to HKCU, but if --system-level is included in the command line,
// it will be written to HKLM instead.
  int args_num;
  wchar_t* cmd_line = ::GetCommandLine();
  wchar_t** args = ::CommandLineToArgvW(cmd_line, &args_num);

// Gets the setup.exe path from Registry by looking the value of Uninstall
// string, strips the arguments for uninstall and returns only the full path
// to setup.exe.  |size| is measured in wchar_t units.
bool GetSetupExePathFromRegistry(wchar_t *path, size_t size) {
  if (!ReadValueFromRegistry(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, kUninstallRegistryKey,
      kUninstallRegistryValueName, path, size)) {
    if (!ReadValueFromRegistry(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, kUninstallRegistryKey,
        kUninstallRegistryValueName, path, size)) {
      return false;
  wchar_t *tmp = StrStr(path, L" --");
  if (tmp) {
    *tmp = L'\0';
  } else {
    return false;

  return true;

// Calls CreateProcess with good default parameters and waits for the process
// to terminate returning the process exit code.
bool RunProcessAndWait(const wchar_t* exe_path, wchar_t* cmdline,
                       int* exit_code) {
  STARTUPINFOW si = {sizeof(si)};
  if (!::CreateProcess(exe_path, cmdline, NULL, NULL, FALSE, CREATE_NO_WINDOW,
                        NULL, NULL, &si, &pi))
      return false;
  DWORD wr = ::WaitForSingleObject(pi.hProcess, INFINITE);
  if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 != wr)
    return false;

  bool ret = true;
  if (exit_code) {
    if (!::GetExitCodeProcess(pi.hProcess,
      ret = false;
  return ret;

// Windows defined callback used in the EnumResourceNames call. For each
// matching resource found, the callback is invoked and at this point we write
// it to disk. We expect resource names to start with 'chrome' or 'setup'. Any
// other name is treated as an error.
BOOL CALLBACK OnResourceFound(HMODULE module, const wchar_t* type,
                              wchar_t* name, LONG_PTR context) {
  if (NULL == context) {
    return FALSE;
  Context* ctx = reinterpret_cast<Context*>(context);

  PEResource resource(name, type, module);
  if ((!resource.IsValid()) ||
      (resource.Size() > kMaxResourceSize)) {
    return FALSE;

  wchar_t full_path[MAX_PATH];
  if (!SafeStrCopy(full_path, _countof(full_path), ctx->base_path) ||
      !SafeStrCat(full_path, _countof(full_path), name) ||
    return FALSE;

  if (StrStartsWith(name, kChromePrefix)) {
    if (!SafeStrCopy(ctx->chrome_resource_path,
      return FALSE;
  } else if (StrStartsWith(name, kSetupPrefix)) {
    if (!SafeStrCopy(ctx->setup_resource_path,
                     ctx->setup_resource_path_size, full_path))
      return FALSE;
  } else {
    // Resources should either start with 'chrome' or 'setup'. We dont handle
    // anything else.
    return FALSE;
// Finds and writes to disk resources of various types. Returns false
// if there is a problem in writing any resource to disk. setup.exe resource
// can come in one of three possible forms:
// - Resource type 'B7', compressed using LZMA (*.7z)
// - Resource type 'BL', compressed using LZ (*.ex_)
// - Resource type 'BN', uncompressed (*.exe)
// If setup.exe is present in more than one form, the precedence order is
// BN < BL < B7
bool UnpackBinaryResources(HMODULE module, const wchar_t* base_path,
                           wchar_t* archive_path, size_t archive_path_size,
                           wchar_t* setup_path, size_t setup_path_size) {
  // Prepare the input to OnResourceFound method that needs a location where
  // it will write all the resources.
  Context context = {base_path, archive_path, archive_path_size,
                                setup_path, setup_path_size};

  // Get the resources of type 'B7'.
  // We need a chrome archive to do the installation. So if there
  // is a problem in fetching B7 resource, just return error.
  if ((!::EnumResourceNames(module, kLZMAResourceType, OnResourceFound,
                            LONG_PTR(&context))) ||
      (::lstrlen(archive_path) <= 0))
    return false;

  // Generate the setup.exe path where we patch/uncompress setup resource.
  wchar_t setup_dest_path[MAX_PATH] = {0};
  if (!SafeStrCopy(setup_dest_path, _countof(setup_dest_path),
                   context.base_path) ||
      !SafeStrCat(setup_dest_path, _countof(setup_dest_path), kSetupName))
    return false;

  // If we found setup 'B7' resource, handle it.
  if (::lstrlen(setup_path) > 0) {
    wchar_t cmd_line[MAX_PATH * 3] = {0};
    // Get the path to setup.exe first.
    if (!GetSetupExePathFromRegistry(cmd_line, _countof(cmd_line)))
      return false;

    if (!SafeStrCat(cmd_line, _countof(cmd_line), kCmdUpdateSetupExe) ||
        !SafeStrCat(cmd_line, _countof(cmd_line), L"=\"") ||
        !SafeStrCat(cmd_line, _countof(cmd_line), setup_path) ||
        !SafeStrCat(cmd_line, _countof(cmd_line), L"\"") ||
        !SafeStrCat(cmd_line, _countof(cmd_line), kCmdNewSetupExe) ||
        !SafeStrCat(cmd_line, _countof(cmd_line), L"=\"") ||
        !SafeStrCat(cmd_line, _countof(cmd_line), setup_dest_path) ||
        !SafeStrCat(cmd_line, _countof(cmd_line), L"\""))
      return false;

    int exit_code = 0;
    if (!RunProcessAndWait(NULL, cmd_line, &exit_code) ||
        (exit_code != 0))

    if (!SafeStrCopy(setup_path, setup_path_size, setup_dest_path))
      return false;

    return true;
  // setup.exe wasn't sent as 'B7', lets see if it was sent as 'BL'
  if ((!::EnumResourceNames(module, kLZCResourceType, OnResourceFound,
                            LONG_PTR(&context))) &&
      (::GetLastError() != ERROR_RESOURCE_TYPE_NOT_FOUND))
    return false;

  if (::lstrlen(setup_path) > 0) {
    // Uncompress LZ compressed resource using the existing
    // program in the system32 folder named 'expand.exe'.
    wchar_t expand_cmd[MAX_PATH * 3] = {0};
    if (!SafeStrCopy(expand_cmd, _countof(expand_cmd), UNCOMPRESS_CMD) ||
        !SafeStrCat(expand_cmd, _countof(expand_cmd), L"\"") ||
        !SafeStrCat(expand_cmd, _countof(expand_cmd), setup_path) ||
        !SafeStrCat(expand_cmd, _countof(expand_cmd), L"\" \"") ||
        !SafeStrCat(expand_cmd, _countof(expand_cmd), setup_dest_path) ||
        !SafeStrCat(expand_cmd, _countof(expand_cmd), L"\""))
       return false;

    // If we fail to uncompress the file, exit now and leave the file
    // behind for postmortem analysis.
    int exit_code = 0;
    if (!RunProcessAndWait(NULL, expand_cmd, &exit_code) ||
        (exit_code != 0))
      return false;

    // Uncompression was successful, delete the source but it is not critical
    // if that fails.
    if (!SafeStrCopy(setup_path, setup_path_size, setup_dest_path))
      return false;

    return true;

  // setup.exe still not found. So finally check is it was sent as 'BN'
  if ((!::EnumResourceNames(module, kBinResourceType, OnResourceFound,
                            LONG_PTR(&context))) &&
      (::GetLastError() != ERROR_RESOURCE_TYPE_NOT_FOUND))
    return false;

  if (::lstrlen(setup_path) > 0) {
    if (!::lstrcmpi(setup_path, setup_dest_path)) {
      ::CopyFile(setup_path, setup_dest_path, false);
      if (!SafeStrCopy(setup_path, setup_path_size, setup_dest_path))
        return false;
// Append any command line params passed to mini_installer to the given buffer
// so that they can be passed on to setup.exe. We do not return any error from
// this method and simply skip making any changes in case of error.
void AppendCommandLineFlags(wchar_t* buffer, int size) {
  wchar_t full_exe_path[MAX_PATH];
  int len = ::GetModuleFileName(NULL, full_exe_path, _countof(full_exe_path));
  if (len <= 0 || len >= _countof(full_exe_path))

  wchar_t* exe_name = GetNameFromPathExt(full_exe_path, len);
  if (exe_name == NULL)

  int args_num;
  wchar_t* cmd_line = ::GetCommandLine();
  wchar_t** args = ::CommandLineToArgvW(cmd_line, &args_num);
  if (args_num <= 0)
  if (!StrEndsWith(args[0], exe_name)) {
    // Current executable name not in the command line so just append
    // the whole command line.
    cmd_to_append = cmd_line;
    wchar_t* tmp = StrStr(cmd_line, exe_name);
    tmp = StrStr(tmp, L" ");
    cmd_to_append = tmp;

  if (size > ::lstrlen(cmd_to_append))
    ::lstrcat(buffer, cmd_to_append);

// Executes setup.exe, waits for it to finish and returns the exit code.
bool RunSetup(const wchar_t* archive_path, const wchar_t* setup_path,
              int* exit_code) {
  // There could be three full paths in the command line for setup.exe (path
  // to exe itself, path to archive and path to log file), so we declare
  // total size as three + one additional to hold command line options.
  wchar_t cmd_line[MAX_PATH * 4];
  if (::lstrlen(setup_path) > 0) {
    if (!SafeStrCopy(cmd_line, _countof(cmd_line), L"\"") ||
        !SafeStrCat(cmd_line, _countof(cmd_line), setup_path) ||
        !SafeStrCat(cmd_line, _countof(cmd_line), L"\""))
      return false;
  } else if (!GetSetupExePathFromRegistry(cmd_line, _countof(cmd_line))) {
    return false;
  // Append the command line param for chrome archive file
  if (!SafeStrCat(cmd_line, _countof(cmd_line), kCmdInstallArchive) ||
      !SafeStrCat(cmd_line, _countof(cmd_line), L"=\"") ||
      !SafeStrCat(cmd_line, _countof(cmd_line), archive_path) ||
      !SafeStrCat(cmd_line, _countof(cmd_line), L"\""))
    return false;

  // Get any command line option specified for mini_installer and pass them
  // on to setup.exe
  AppendCommandLineFlags(cmd_line, _countof(cmd_line) - lstrlen(cmd_line));

  return (RunProcessAndWait(NULL, cmd_line, exit_code));
// Deletes given files and working dir.
void DeleteExtractedFiles(const wchar_t* base_path,
                          const wchar_t* archive_path,
                          const wchar_t* setup_path) {
  // Delete the temp dir (if it is empty, otherwise fail).

// Creates a temporary directory under |base_path| and returns the full path
// of created directory in |work_dir|. If successful return true, otherwise
// false.
bool CreateWorkDir(const wchar_t* base_path, wchar_t* work_dir) {
  if (!GetTempFileName(base_path, kTempPrefix, 0, temp_name))
    return false;  // Didn't get any temp name to use. Return error.

  DWORD len = GetLongPathName(temp_name, work_dir, _countof(temp_name));
  if (len >= _countof(temp_name) || len <= 0)
    return false;  // Couldn't get full path to temp dir. Return error.

  // GetTempFileName creates the file as well so delete it before creating
  // the directory in its place.
  if (!::DeleteFile(work_dir) || !::CreateDirectory(work_dir, NULL))
    return false;  // What's the use of temp dir if we can not create it?
  ::lstrcat(work_dir, L"\\");

  return true;

// Creates and returns a temporary directory that can be used to extract
// mini_installer payload.
bool GetWorkDir(HMODULE module, wchar_t* work_dir) {
  wchar_t base_path[MAX_PATH];
  DWORD len = ::GetTempPath(_countof(base_path), base_path);
  if (len >= _countof(base_path) || len <= 0 ||
      !CreateWorkDir(base_path, work_dir)) {
    // Problem in creating work dir under TEMP path, so try using current
    // directory as base path.
    len = ::GetModuleFileName(module, base_path, _countof(base_path));
    if (len >= _countof(base_path) || len <= 0)
      return false;  // Can't even get current directory? Return with error.

    wchar_t* name = GetNameFromPathExt(base_path, len);
    *name = L'\0';

    return CreateWorkDir(base_path, work_dir);
// Main function. First gets a working dir, unpacks the resources and finally
// executes setup.exe to do the install/upgrade.
int WMain(HMODULE module) {
  // First get a path where we can extract payload
  wchar_t base_path[MAX_PATH];
  if (!GetWorkDir(module, base_path))
  // Set the magic suffix in registry to try full installer next time. We ignore
  // any errors here and we try to set the suffix for user level unless
  // --system-level is on the command line in which case we set it for system
  // level instead. This only applies to the Google Chrome distribution.
  wchar_t archive_path[MAX_PATH] = {0};
  wchar_t setup_path[MAX_PATH] = {0};
  if (!UnpackBinaryResources(module, base_path, archive_path, MAX_PATH,
                             setup_path, MAX_PATH))
  int exit_code = 103;
  if (!RunSetup(archive_path, setup_path, &exit_code))
    return exit_code;
  if ((!ReadValueFromRegistry(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, kCleanupRegistryKey,
                              kCleanupRegistryValueName, value,
                              _countof(value))) ||
      (value[0] != L'0'))
    DeleteExtractedFiles(base_path, archive_path, setup_path);
}  // namespace mini_installer

int MainEntryPoint() {
  int result = mini_installer::WMain(::GetModuleHandle(NULL));