estade@chromium.org authored
With the previous patch, the try bots failed with mysterious messages, so I ignored them, patched it into my windows box and tested it there manually, and found no problems. As it turns out, the try failures were real :(. But nsylvain and I found the problem: the behavior of file_util::GetDirectoryFromPath() differs from DirName() when the path is empty (officially, GetDirectoryFromPath is not supposed to support non-absolute paths, but that is not enforced). Here is a green win try result: http://build.chromium.org/buildbot/try-server/builders/win/builds/3705 mac: http://build.chromium.org/buildbot/try-server/builders/mac/builds/3491 linux: http://build.chromium.org/buildbot/try-server/builders/linux/builds/3466 I also applied this patch locally in Windows to test that it doesn't break the chrome frame compile or tests, since that's not covered by the trybots yet. Review URL: http://codereview.chromium.org/271099 git-svn-id: svn://svn.chromium.org/chrome/trunk/src@29094 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
estade@chromium.org authoredWith the previous patch, the try bots failed with mysterious messages, so I ignored them, patched it into my windows box and tested it there manually, and found no problems. As it turns out, the try failures were real :(. But nsylvain and I found the problem: the behavior of file_util::GetDirectoryFromPath() differs from DirName() when the path is empty (officially, GetDirectoryFromPath is not supposed to support non-absolute paths, but that is not enforced). Here is a green win try result: http://build.chromium.org/buildbot/try-server/builders/win/builds/3705 mac: http://build.chromium.org/buildbot/try-server/builders/mac/builds/3491 linux: http://build.chromium.org/buildbot/try-server/builders/linux/builds/3466 I also applied this patch locally in Windows to test that it doesn't break the chrome frame compile or tests, since that's not covered by the trybots yet. Review URL: http://codereview.chromium.org/271099 git-svn-id: svn://svn.chromium.org/chrome/trunk/src@29094 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
install.cc 28.85 KiB
// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <shlobj.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "chrome/installer/setup/install.h"
#include "base/file_util.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/path_service.h"
#include "base/registry.h"
#include "base/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "chrome/installer/setup/setup_constants.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/browser_distribution.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/create_reg_key_work_item.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/delete_after_reboot_helper.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/google_update_constants.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/helper.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/install_util.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/master_preferences.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/set_reg_value_work_item.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/shell_util.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/util_constants.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/work_item_list.h"
// Build-time generated include file.
#include "installer_util_strings.h"
#include "registered_dlls.h"
namespace {
std::wstring AppendPath(const std::wstring& parent_path,
const std::wstring& path) {
std::wstring new_path(parent_path);
file_util::AppendToPath(&new_path, path);
return new_path;
void AddChromeToMediaPlayerList() {
std::wstring reg_path(installer::kMediaPlayerRegPath);
// registry paths can also be appended like file system path
file_util::AppendToPath(®_path, installer_util::kChromeExe);
LOG(INFO) << "Adding Chrome to Media player list at " << reg_path;
scoped_ptr<WorkItem> work_item(WorkItem::CreateCreateRegKeyWorkItem(
// if the operation fails we log the error but still continue
if (!work_item.get()->Do())
LOG(ERROR) << "Could not add Chrome to media player inclusion list.";
void AddInstallerCopyTasks(const std::wstring& exe_path,
const std::wstring& archive_path,
const std::wstring& temp_path,
const std::wstring& install_path,
const std::wstring& new_version,
WorkItemList* install_list,
bool system_level) {
std::wstring installer_dir(installer::GetInstallerPathUnderChrome(
install_path, new_version));
std::wstring exe_dst(installer_dir);
std::wstring archive_dst(installer_dir);
install_list->AddCopyTreeWorkItem(exe_path, exe_dst, temp_path,
if (system_level) {
install_list->AddCopyTreeWorkItem(archive_path, archive_dst, temp_path,
} else {
install_list->AddMoveTreeWorkItem(archive_path, archive_dst, temp_path);
// This method adds work items to create (or update) Chrome uninstall entry in
// Control Panel->Add/Remove Programs list.
void AddUninstallShortcutWorkItems(HKEY reg_root,
const std::wstring& exe_path,
const std::wstring& install_path,
const std::wstring& product_name,
const std::wstring& new_version,
WorkItemList* install_list) {
std::wstring uninstall_cmd(L"\"");
uninstall_cmd.append(L"\" --");
uninstall_cmd.append(L" --");
uninstall_cmd.append(L" --");
if (reg_root == HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) {
uninstall_cmd.append(L" --");
// Create DisplayName, UninstallString and InstallLocation keys
BrowserDistribution* dist = BrowserDistribution::GetDistribution();
std::wstring uninstall_reg = dist->GetUninstallRegPath();
install_list->AddCreateRegKeyWorkItem(reg_root, uninstall_reg);
install_list->AddSetRegValueWorkItem(reg_root, uninstall_reg,
installer_util::kUninstallDisplayNameField, product_name, true);
uninstall_cmd, true);
L"InstallLocation", install_path, true);
// DisplayIcon, NoModify and NoRepair
std::wstring chrome_icon = AppendPath(install_path,
install_list->AddSetRegValueWorkItem(reg_root, uninstall_reg,
L"DisplayIcon", chrome_icon, true);
install_list->AddSetRegValueWorkItem(reg_root, uninstall_reg,
L"NoModify", 1, true);
install_list->AddSetRegValueWorkItem(reg_root, uninstall_reg,
L"NoRepair", 1, true);
install_list->AddSetRegValueWorkItem(reg_root, uninstall_reg,
dist->GetPublisherName(), true);
install_list->AddSetRegValueWorkItem(reg_root, uninstall_reg,
L"Version", new_version.c_str(), true);
install_list->AddSetRegValueWorkItem(reg_root, uninstall_reg,
new_version.c_str(), true);
time_t rawtime = time(NULL);
struct tm timeinfo = {0};
localtime_s(&timeinfo, &rawtime);
wchar_t buffer[9];
if (wcsftime(buffer, 9, L"%Y%m%d", &timeinfo) == 8) {
install_list->AddSetRegValueWorkItem(reg_root, uninstall_reg,
buffer, false);
// Copy master preferences file provided to installer, in the same folder
// as chrome.exe so Chrome first run can find it. This function will be called
// only on the first install of Chrome.
void CopyPreferenceFileForFirstRun(bool system_level,
const std::wstring& prefs_source_path) {
FilePath prefs_dest_path = FilePath::FromWStringHack(
prefs_dest_path = prefs_dest_path.Append(installer_util::kDefaultMasterPrefs);
if (!file_util::CopyFile(FilePath::FromWStringHack(prefs_source_path),
prefs_dest_path)) {
LOG(INFO) << "Failed to copy master preferences.";
// This method creates Chrome shortcuts in Start->Programs for all users or
// only for current user depending on whether it is system wide install or
// user only install.
// If first_install is true, it creates shortcuts for launching and
// uninstalling chrome.
// If first_install is false, the function only updates the shortcut for
// uninstalling chrome. According to
// http://blogs.msdn.com/oldnewthing/archive/2005/11/24/496690.aspx,
// updating uninstall shortcut should not trigger Windows "new application
// installed" notification.
// If the shortcuts do not exist, the function does not recreate them during
// update.
bool CreateOrUpdateChromeShortcuts(const std::wstring& exe_path,
const std::wstring& install_path,
const std::wstring& new_version,
installer_util::InstallStatus install_status,
bool system_install,
bool create_all_shortcut,
bool alt_shortcut) {
FilePath shortcut_path;
int dir_enum = (system_install) ? base::DIR_COMMON_START_MENU :
if (!PathService::Get(dir_enum, &shortcut_path)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get location for shortcut.";
return false;
// The location of Start->Programs->Google Chrome folder
BrowserDistribution* dist = BrowserDistribution::GetDistribution();
const std::wstring& product_name = dist->GetApplicationName();
const std::wstring& product_desc = dist->GetAppDescription();
shortcut_path = shortcut_path.Append(product_name);
// Create/update Chrome link (points to chrome.exe) & Uninstall Chrome link
// (which points to setup.exe) under this folder only if:
// - This is a new install or install repair
// OR
// - The shortcut already exists in case of updates (user may have deleted
// shortcuts since our install. So on updates we only update if shortcut
// already exists)
bool ret = true;
FilePath chrome_link(shortcut_path); // Chrome link (launches Chrome)
chrome_link = chrome_link.Append(product_name + L".lnk");
std::wstring chrome_exe(install_path); // Chrome link target
file_util::AppendToPath(&chrome_exe, installer_util::kChromeExe);
if ((install_status == installer_util::FIRST_INSTALL_SUCCESS) ||
(install_status == installer_util::INSTALL_REPAIRED)) {
if (!file_util::PathExists(shortcut_path))
LOG(INFO) << "Creating shortcut to " << chrome_exe << " at "
<< chrome_link.value();
ret = ret && ShellUtil::UpdateChromeShortcut(chrome_exe,
product_desc, true);
} else if (file_util::PathExists(chrome_link)) {
LOG(INFO) << "Updating shortcut at " << chrome_link.value()
<< " to point to " << chrome_exe;
ret = ret && ShellUtil::UpdateChromeShortcut(chrome_exe,
product_desc, false);
// Create/update uninstall link
FilePath uninstall_link(shortcut_path); // Uninstall Chrome link
uninstall_link = uninstall_link.Append(
dist->GetUninstallLinkName() + L".lnk");
if ((install_status == installer_util::FIRST_INSTALL_SUCCESS) ||
(install_status == installer_util::INSTALL_REPAIRED) ||
(file_util::PathExists(uninstall_link))) {
if (!file_util::PathExists(shortcut_path))
std::wstring setup_exe(installer::GetInstallerPathUnderChrome(install_path,
std::wstring arguments(L" --");
arguments.append(L" --");
arguments.append(L" --");
if (system_install) {
arguments.append(L" --");
LOG(INFO) << "Creating/updating uninstall link at "
<< uninstall_link.value();
ret = ret && file_util::CreateShortcutLink(setup_exe.c_str(),
NULL, setup_exe.c_str(), 0);
// Update Desktop and Quick Launch shortcuts. If --create-new-shortcuts
// is specified we want to create them, otherwise we update them only if
// they exist.
if (system_install) {
ret = ret && ShellUtil::CreateChromeDesktopShortcut(chrome_exe,
product_desc, ShellUtil::SYSTEM_LEVEL, alt_shortcut,
ret = ret && ShellUtil::CreateChromeQuickLaunchShortcut(chrome_exe,
ShellUtil::CURRENT_USER | ShellUtil::SYSTEM_LEVEL, create_all_shortcut);
} else {
ret = ret && ShellUtil::CreateChromeDesktopShortcut(chrome_exe,
product_desc, ShellUtil::CURRENT_USER, alt_shortcut,
ret = ret && ShellUtil::CreateChromeQuickLaunchShortcut(chrome_exe,
ShellUtil::CURRENT_USER, create_all_shortcut);
return ret;
// After a successful copying of all the files, this function is called to
// do a few post install tasks:
// - Handle the case of in-use-update by updating "opv" key or deleting it if
// not required.
// - Register any new dlls and unregister old dlls.
// If these operations are successful, the function returns true, otherwise
// false.
bool DoPostInstallTasks(HKEY reg_root,
const std::wstring& exe_path,
const std::wstring& install_path,
const std::wstring& new_chrome_exe,
const std::wstring& current_version,
const installer::Version& new_version) {
BrowserDistribution* dist = BrowserDistribution::GetDistribution();
std::wstring version_key = dist->GetVersionKey();
if (file_util::PathExists(FilePath::FromWStringHack(new_chrome_exe))) {
// Looks like this was in use update. So make sure we update the 'opv' key
// with the current version that is active and 'cmd' key with the rename
// command to run.
if (current_version.empty()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "New chrome.exe exists but current version is empty!";
return false;
scoped_ptr<WorkItemList> inuse_list(WorkItem::CreateWorkItemList());
std::wstring rename_cmd(installer::GetInstallerPathUnderChrome(
install_path, new_version.GetString()));
rename_cmd = L"\"" + rename_cmd +
L"\" --" + installer_util::switches::kRenameChromeExe;
if (reg_root == HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE)
rename_cmd = rename_cmd + L" --" + installer_util::switches::kSystemLevel;
if (!inuse_list->Do()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't write opv/cmd values to registry.";
return false;
} else {
// Since this was not in-use-update, delete 'opv' and 'cmd' keys.
scoped_ptr<WorkItemList> inuse_list(WorkItem::CreateWorkItemList());
inuse_list->AddDeleteRegValueWorkItem(reg_root, version_key,
inuse_list->AddDeleteRegValueWorkItem(reg_root, version_key,
if (!inuse_list->Do()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't delete opv/cmd values from registry.";
return false;
// Now we need to register any self registering components and unregister
// any that were left from the old version that is being upgraded:
if (!current_version.empty()) {
std::wstring old_dll_path(install_path);
file_util::AppendToPath(&old_dll_path, current_version);
scoped_ptr<WorkItemList> old_dll_list(WorkItem::CreateWorkItemList());
if (InstallUtil::BuildDLLRegistrationList(old_dll_path, kDllsToRegister,
kNumDllsToRegister, false,
old_dll_list.get())) {
// Don't abort the install as a result of a failure to unregister old
// DLLs.
std::wstring dll_path(install_path);
file_util::AppendToPath(&dll_path, new_version.GetString());
scoped_ptr<WorkItemList> dll_list(WorkItem::CreateWorkItemList());
if (InstallUtil::BuildDLLRegistrationList(dll_path, kDllsToRegister,
kNumDllsToRegister, true,
dll_list.get())) {
if (!dll_list->Do()) {
return false;
return true;
// This method tells if we are running on 64 bit platform so that we can copy
// one extra exe. If the API call to determine 64 bit fails, we play it safe
// and return true anyway so that the executable can be copied.
bool Is64bit() {
BOOL is64 = FALSE;
HANDLE handle = GetCurrentProcess();
HMODULE module = GetModuleHandle(L"kernel32.dll");
WOW_FUNC p = reinterpret_cast<WOW_FUNC>(GetProcAddress(module,
if ((p != NULL) && (!(p)(handle, &is64) || (is64 != FALSE))) {
return true;
return false;
void RegisterChromeOnMachine(const std::wstring& install_path,
bool system_level,
bool make_chrome_default) {
// Try to add Chrome to Media Player shim inclusion list. We don't do any
// error checking here because this operation will fail if user doesn't
// have admin rights and we want to ignore the error.
// Is --make-chrome-default option is given we make Chrome default browser
// otherwise we only register it on the machine as a valid browser.
std::wstring chrome_exe(install_path);
file_util::AppendToPath(&chrome_exe, installer_util::kChromeExe);
LOG(INFO) << "Registering Chrome as browser";
if (make_chrome_default) {
int level = ShellUtil::CURRENT_USER;
if (system_level)
level = level | ShellUtil::SYSTEM_LEVEL;
ShellUtil::MakeChromeDefault(level, chrome_exe, true);
} else {
ShellUtil::RegisterChromeBrowser(chrome_exe, L"", false);
// This function installs a new version of Chrome to the specified location.
// It returns true if install was successful and false in case of an error.
// exe_path: Path to the executable (setup.exe) as it will be copied
// to Chrome install folder after install is complete
// archive_path: Path to the archive (chrome.7z) as it will be copied
// to Chrome install folder after install is complete
// src_path: the path that contains a complete and unpacked Chrome package
// to be installed.
// install_path: the destination path for Chrome to be installed to. This
// path does not need to exist.
// temp_dir: the path of working directory used during installation. This path
// does not need to exist.
// reg_root: the root of registry where the function applies settings for the
// new Chrome version. It should be either HKLM or HKCU.
// new_version: new Chrome version that needs to be installed
// current_version: returns the current active version (if any)
// This function makes best effort to do installation in a transactional
// manner. If failed it tries to rollback all changes on the file system
// and registry. For example, if install_path exists before calling the
// function, it rolls back all new file and directory changes under
// install_path. If install_path does not exist before calling the function
// (typical new install), the function creates install_path during install
// and removes the whole directory during rollback.
bool InstallNewVersion(const std::wstring& exe_path,
const std::wstring& archive_path,
const std::wstring& src_path,
const std::wstring& install_path,
const std::wstring& temp_dir,
const HKEY reg_root,
const installer::Version& new_version,
std::wstring* current_version) {
if (reg_root != HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE && reg_root != HKEY_CURRENT_USER)
return false;
// Make sure that we don't end up deleting installed files on next reboot.
if (!RemoveFromMovesPendingReboot(install_path.c_str())) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Error accessing pending moves value.";
scoped_ptr<WorkItemList> install_list(WorkItem::CreateWorkItemList());
// A temp directory that work items need and the actual install directory.
// If it is system level install copy the version folder (since we want to
// take the permissions of %ProgramFiles% folder) otherwise just move it.
if (reg_root == HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) {
AppendPath(src_path, new_version.GetString()),
AppendPath(install_path, new_version.GetString()),
temp_dir, WorkItem::ALWAYS);
} else {
AppendPath(src_path, new_version.GetString()),
AppendPath(install_path, new_version.GetString()),
// Delete any new_chrome.exe if present (we will end up creating a new one
// if required) and then copy chrome.exe
std::wstring new_chrome_exe = AppendPath(install_path,
BrowserDistribution* dist = BrowserDistribution::GetDistribution();
RegKey chrome_key(reg_root, dist->GetVersionKey().c_str(), KEY_READ);
if (file_util::PathExists(FilePath::FromWStringHack(new_chrome_exe)))
chrome_key.ReadValue(google_update::kRegOldVersionField, current_version);
if (current_version->empty())
chrome_key.ReadValue(google_update::kRegVersionField, current_version);
install_list->AddDeleteTreeWorkItem(new_chrome_exe, std::wstring());
AppendPath(src_path, installer_util::kChromeExe),
AppendPath(install_path, installer_util::kChromeExe),
temp_dir, WorkItem::NEW_NAME_IF_IN_USE, new_chrome_exe);
// Extra executable for 64 bit systems.
if (Is64bit()) {
AppendPath(src_path, installer::kWowHelperExe),
AppendPath(install_path, installer::kWowHelperExe),
temp_dir, WorkItem::ALWAYS);
// Copy the default Dictionaries only if the folder doesnt exist already
AppendPath(src_path, installer::kDictionaries),
AppendPath(install_path, installer::kDictionaries),
temp_dir, WorkItem::IF_NOT_PRESENT);
// Copy installer in install directory and
// add shortcut in Control Panel->Add/Remove Programs.
AddInstallerCopyTasks(exe_path, archive_path, temp_dir, install_path,
new_version.GetString(), install_list.get(),
(reg_root == HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE));
std::wstring product_name = dist->GetApplicationName();
AddUninstallShortcutWorkItems(reg_root, exe_path, install_path,
product_name, new_version.GetString(), install_list.get());
// Delete any old_chrome.exe if present.
AppendPath(install_path, installer_util::kChromeOldExe), std::wstring());
// Create Version key (if not already present) and set the new Chrome
// version as last step.
std::wstring version_key = dist->GetVersionKey();
install_list->AddCreateRegKeyWorkItem(reg_root, version_key);
install_list->AddSetRegValueWorkItem(reg_root, version_key,
true); // overwrite name also
install_list->AddSetRegValueWorkItem(reg_root, version_key,
true); // overwrite version
if (!install_list->Do() ||
!DoPostInstallTasks(reg_root, exe_path, install_path,
new_chrome_exe, *current_version, new_version)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Install failed, rolling back... ";
LOG(ERROR) << "Rollback complete. ";
return false;
return true;
} // namespace
std::wstring installer::GetInstallerPathUnderChrome(
const std::wstring& install_path, const std::wstring& new_version) {
std::wstring installer_path(install_path);
file_util::AppendToPath(&installer_path, new_version);
file_util::AppendToPath(&installer_path, installer_util::kInstallerDir);
return installer_path;
installer_util::InstallStatus installer::InstallOrUpdateChrome(
const std::wstring& exe_path, const std::wstring& archive_path,
const std::wstring& install_temp_path, const std::wstring& prefs_path,
const DictionaryValue* prefs, const Version& new_version,
const Version* installed_version) {
bool system_install = installer_util::GetDistroBooleanPreference(prefs,
std::wstring install_path(GetChromeInstallPath(system_install));
if (install_path.empty()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Could not get installation destination path.";
return installer_util::INSTALL_FAILED;
} else {
LOG(INFO) << "install destination path: " << install_path;
std::wstring src_path(install_temp_path);
file_util::AppendToPath(&src_path, std::wstring(kInstallSourceDir));
file_util::AppendToPath(&src_path, std::wstring(kInstallSourceChromeDir));
HKEY reg_root = (system_install) ? HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE : HKEY_CURRENT_USER;
std::wstring current_version;
bool install_success = InstallNewVersion(exe_path, archive_path, src_path,
install_path, install_temp_path, reg_root, new_version, ¤t_version);
installer_util::InstallStatus result;
if (!install_success) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Install failed.";
result = installer_util::INSTALL_FAILED;
} else {
if (!installed_version) {
LOG(INFO) << "First install of version " << new_version.GetString();
result = installer_util::FIRST_INSTALL_SUCCESS;
CopyPreferenceFileForFirstRun(system_install, prefs_path);
} else if (new_version.GetString() == installed_version->GetString()) {
LOG(INFO) << "Install repaired of version " << new_version.GetString();
result = installer_util::INSTALL_REPAIRED;
} else if (new_version.IsHigherThan(installed_version)) {
LOG(INFO) << "Version updated to " << new_version.GetString();
result = installer_util::NEW_VERSION_UPDATED;
} else {
LOG(ERROR) << "Not sure how we got here."
<< " New version: " << new_version.GetString()
<< ", installed version: " << installed_version->GetString();
// This should never happen but we are seeing some inconsistent exit
// code reports in Omaha logs. We will treat this case as update to
// see if the inconsistency goes away.
result = installer_util::NEW_VERSION_UPDATED;
if (!installer_util::GetDistroBooleanPreference(prefs,
installer_util::master_preferences::kDoNotCreateShortcuts)) {
bool create_all_shortcut = installer_util::GetDistroBooleanPreference(
prefs, installer_util::master_preferences::kCreateAllShortcuts);
bool alt_shortcut = installer_util::GetDistroBooleanPreference(prefs,
if (!CreateOrUpdateChromeShortcuts(exe_path, install_path,
new_version.GetString(), result,
system_install, create_all_shortcut,
LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to create/update start menu shortcut.";
bool make_chrome_default = installer_util::GetDistroBooleanPreference(
prefs, installer_util::master_preferences::kMakeChromeDefault);
RegisterChromeOnMachine(install_path, system_install,
std::wstring latest_version_to_keep(new_version.GetString());
if (!current_version.empty())
RemoveOldVersionDirs(install_path, latest_version_to_keep);
return result;