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WIP: Initial docker/docker-compose scripts

Maxime Buquet requested to merge ppjet/touch:docker into master

This adds a Dockerfile as well as docker-compose.yml to simplify development, and later on deployments.

You can already run this with docker-compose up, and then go to http://localhost:8000. It will use your local repository for changes.

I modified touch.settings to also read DEBUG and SECRET_KEY from the environment,
and I set DEBUG to True by default, and I also allowed passing a SECRET_KEY variable in the compose file.
I might actually remove this. This will probably not be useful for development.

I am also not entirely sure what to do about Could you dump it here without secret, to see what's required?
I assume SECRET_KEY and a bunch a variables from the social plugin?

I also don't know how/if I need to sleep stuff for dev/prod.
I assume for prod I will have:

  • files from the repo copied in the container (I already do this because I need it for pip, but then I mount a volume on top to track changes)
  • secrets, (SECRET_KEY, phab oauth token, etc.)

All of that can be outside this repo even.

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