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  • epriestley's avatar
    Don't show workboard action previews if the action won't have any effect · a5b3e33e
    epriestley authored
    Ref T10335. When you (for example) drag a "Resolved" task into a column with "Trigger: change status to resolved.", don't show a hint that the action will "Change status to resolved." since this isn't helpful and is somewhat confusing.
    For now, the only visibility operator is "!=" since all current actions are simple field comparisons, but some actions in the future (like "add subscriber" or "remove project") might need other conditions.
    Test Plan:
    Dragged cards in ways that previously provided useless hints: move from column A to column B on a "Group by Priority" board; drag a resolved task to a "Trigger: change status to as resolved" column. Saw a more accurate preview in both cases.
    Drags which actually cause effects still show the effects correctly.
    Reviewers: amckinley
    Reviewed By: amckinley
    Maniphest Tasks: T10335
    Differential Revision: