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  • epriestley's avatar
    Provide `bin/garbage` for interacting with garbage collection · 9c798e5c
    epriestley authored
    Fixes T9494. This:
      - Removes all the random GC.x.y.z config.
      - Puts it all in one place that's locked and which you use `bin/garbage set-policy ...` to adjust.
      - Makes every TTL-based GC configurable.
      - Simplifies the code in the actual GCs.
    Test Plan:
      - Ran `bin/garbage collect` to collect some garbage, until it stopped collecting.
      - Ran `bin/garbage set-policy ...` to shorten policy. Saw change in web UI. Ran `bin/garbage collect` again and saw it collect more garbage.
      - Set policy to indefinite and saw it not collect garabge.
      - Set policy to default and saw it reflected in web UI / `collect`.
      - Ran `bin/phd debug trigger` and saw all GCs fire with reasonable looking queries.
      - Read new docs.
    Reviewers: chad
    Reviewed By: chad
    Maniphest Tasks: T9494
    Differential Revision: