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  • Eric Anholt's avatar
    android: Disable the user XML config parsing. · 2fb27499
    Eric Anholt authored
    The android platform is not interested in this feature of Mesa.  There are
    currently workarounds for apps on Android, and no support for it in the
    xmlconfig code.  Even if there we do need workarounds eventually, we'll
    want to bake them in as structs rather than have this awkward external
    dependency for parsing user-readable data installed by Mesa for
    Mesa-internal details.
    This gets rid of the expat dependency in the turnip driver.
    Note that rather than have more #ifdefs in the file, I've opted to move
    the code to have more logical locations since the structs refactor had
    left less-used helpers scattered across the file.
    Acked-by: default avatarEric Engestrom <>
    Part-of: <>