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  • japhet's avatar
    When style changes, set the LayoutObject as a client for all StyleImage loads · c5ce89c7
    japhet authored
    We have logic to dynamically change an image load's
    ResourceLoadPriority based on whether it is in the viewport. We would like
    to generalize this logic to support other types of resources and other
    factors for priority. To do that, we need to ensure every image that might
    be in the viewport is associated with a LayoutObject, so that it can pull its
    priority state, rather than having the LayoutObject push the state.
    We have not been consistent about ensuring that every LayoutObject registers
    itself as a client with every StyleImage in its ComputedStyle. This change
    ensures that we do so.
    Review URL:
    Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#350946}