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  • mark's avatar
    Monitor crashpad_handler for crashes [sometimes] · dde55ab7
    mark authored
    When Crashpad self-monitoring is enabled, crashes in crashpad_handler
    will be written to the crash report database and uploaded according to
    the user's preference. Self-monitoring dedicates an additional
    crashpad_handler process to serve as the handler for the original
    instance. Having a dedicated process is somewhat expensive, so
    self-monitoring is not enabled at all times.
    An existing mechanism, the "fallback crash handler," is already in place
    on Windows. The fallback crash handler does not create any additional
    processes until a crashpad_handler crash occurs. The fallback handler
    remains effective in cases where Crashpad's own self-monitoring is
    disabled. The fallback handler and Crashpad self-monitoring have
    different attributes, so there are no plans to move Windows entirely
    onto Crashpad self-monitoring.
    For branded Chrome, the dev channel gets Crashpad self-monitoring in 25%
    of browser starts, and the beta channel gets it in 10% of browser