rohitrao@chromium.org authored
BUG=http://crbug.com/22882 TEST=Type something into the omnibox. Option-return should open it in a new foreground tab. TEST=After using Option-return to open something in a new foreground tab, switch back to the original tab and verify that the url in the omnibox has reverted to the original page's url. TEST=Option-leftclick on a link in a webpage should still prompt you to "save as." Review URL: http://codereview.chromium.org/218032 git-svn-id: svn://svn.chromium.org/chrome/trunk/src@27127 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
rohitrao@chromium.org authoredBUG=http://crbug.com/22882 TEST=Type something into the omnibox. Option-return should open it in a new foreground tab. TEST=After using Option-return to open something in a new foreground tab, switch back to the original tab and verify that the url in the omnibox has reverted to the original page's url. TEST=Option-leftclick on a link in a webpage should still prompt you to "save as." Review URL: http://codereview.chromium.org/218032 git-svn-id: svn://svn.chromium.org/chrome/trunk/src@27127 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
autocomplete_edit_view_mac.mm 30.22 KiB
// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete_edit_view_mac.h"
#include <Carbon/Carbon.h> // kVK_Return
#include "app/gfx/font.h"
#include "app/l10n_util_mac.h"
#include "app/resource_bundle.h"
#include "base/clipboard.h"
#import "base/cocoa_protocols_mac.h"
#include "base/string_util.h"
#include "base/sys_string_conversions.h"
#include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete_edit.h"
#include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete_popup_model.h"
#include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete_popup_view_mac.h"
#include "chrome/browser/browser_process.h"
#include "chrome/browser/cocoa/event_utils.h"
#include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/tab_contents.h"
#include "grit/generated_resources.h"
// Focus-handling between |field_| and |model_| is a bit subtle.
// Other platforms detect change of focus, which is inconvenient
// without subclassing NSTextField (even with a subclass, the use of a
// field editor may complicate things).
// |model_| doesn't actually do anything when it gains focus, it just
// initializes. Visible activity happens only after the user edits.
// NSTextField delegate receives messages around starting and ending
// edits, so that sufcices to catch focus changes. Since all calls
// into |model_| start from AutocompleteEditViewMac, in the worst case
// we can add code to sync up the sense of focus as needed.
// I've added DCHECK(IsFirstResponder()) in the places which I believe
// should only be reachable when |field_| is being edited. If these
// fire, it probably means someone unexpected is calling into
// |model_|.
// Other platforms don't appear to have the sense of "key window" that
// Mac does (I believe their fields lose focus when the window loses
// focus). Rather than modifying focus outside the control's edit
// scope, when the window resigns key the autocomplete popup is
// closed. |model_| still believes it has focus, and the popup will
// be regenerated on the user's next edit. That seems to match how
// things work on other platforms.
namespace {
// TODO(shess): This is ugly, find a better way. Using it right now
// so that I can crib from gtk and still be able to see that I'm using
// the same values easily.
const NSColor* ColorWithRGBBytes(int rr, int gg, int bb) {
DCHECK_LE(rr, 255);
DCHECK_LE(bb, 255);
DCHECK_LE(gg, 255);
return [NSColor colorWithCalibratedRed:static_cast<float>(rr)/255.0
const NSColor* SecureBackgroundColor() {
return ColorWithRGBBytes(255, 245, 195); // Yellow
const NSColor* NormalBackgroundColor() {
return [NSColor controlBackgroundColor];
const NSColor* InsecureBackgroundColor() {
return [NSColor controlBackgroundColor];
const NSColor* HostTextColor() {
return [NSColor blackColor];
const NSColor* BaseTextColor() {
return [NSColor darkGrayColor];
const NSColor* SecureSchemeColor() {
return ColorWithRGBBytes(0x00, 0x96, 0x14);
const NSColor* InsecureSchemeColor() {
return ColorWithRGBBytes(0xc8, 0x00, 0x00);
// Store's the model and view state across tab switches.
struct AutocompleteEditViewMacState {
AutocompleteEditViewMacState(const AutocompleteEditModel::State model_state,
const bool has_focus, const NSRange& selection)
: model_state(model_state),
selection(selection) {
const AutocompleteEditModel::State model_state;
const bool has_focus;
const NSRange selection;
// Returns a lazily initialized property bag accessor for saving our
// state in a TabContents. When constructed |accessor| generates a
// globally-unique id used to index into the per-tab PropertyBag used
// to store the state data.
PropertyAccessor<AutocompleteEditViewMacState>* GetStateAccessor() {
static PropertyAccessor<AutocompleteEditViewMacState> accessor;
return &accessor;
// Accessors for storing and getting the state from the tab.
void StoreStateToTab(TabContents* tab,
const AutocompleteEditViewMacState& state) {
GetStateAccessor()->SetProperty(tab->property_bag(), state);
const AutocompleteEditViewMacState* GetStateFromTab(const TabContents* tab) {
return GetStateAccessor()->GetProperty(tab->property_bag());
// Helper to make converting url_parse ranges to NSRange easier to
// read.
NSRange ComponentToNSRange(const url_parse::Component& component) {
return NSMakeRange(static_cast<NSInteger>(component.begin),
} // namespace
// Thin Obj-C bridge class that is the delegate of the omnibox field.
// It intercepts various control delegate methods and vectors them to
// the edit view.
// TODO(shess): Consider moving more of this code off to
// AutocompleteTextFieldObserver.
@interface AutocompleteFieldDelegate : NSObject<NSTextFieldDelegate> {
AutocompleteEditViewMac* edit_view_; // weak, owns us.
- initWithEditView:(AutocompleteEditViewMac*)view;
- (void)windowDidResignKey:(NSNotification*)notification;
// TODO(shess): AutocompletePopupViewMac doesn't really need an
// NSTextField. It wants to know where the position the popup, what
// font to use, and it also needs to be able to attach the popup to
// the window |field_| is in.
AutocompleteEditController* controller,
const BubblePositioner* bubble_positioner,
ToolbarModel* toolbar_model,
Profile* profile,
CommandUpdater* command_updater,
AutocompleteTextField* field)
: model_(new AutocompleteEditModel(this, controller, profile)),
popup_view_(new AutocompletePopupViewMac(
this, model_.get(), bubble_positioner, profile, field)),
edit_helper_([[AutocompleteFieldDelegate alloc] initWithEditView:this]) {
[field_ setDelegate:edit_helper_.get()];
[field_ setObserver:this];
// Needed so that editing doesn't lose the styling.
[field_ setAllowsEditingTextAttributes:YES];
// Track the window's key status for signalling focus changes to
// |model_|.
NSNotificationCenter* nc = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter];
[nc addObserver:edit_helper_
object:[field_ window]];
AutocompleteEditViewMac::~AutocompleteEditViewMac() {
// TODO(shess): Having to be aware of destructor ordering in this
// way seems brittle. There must be a better way.
// Destroy popup view before this object in case it tries to call us
// back in the destructor. Likewise for destroying the model before
// this object.
// Disconnect field_ from edit_helper_ so that we don't get calls
// after destruction.
[field_ setDelegate:nil];
[field_ setObserver:NULL];
void AutocompleteEditViewMac::SaveStateToTab(TabContents* tab) {
const bool hasFocus = [field_ currentEditor] ? true : false;
NSRange range;
if (hasFocus) {
range = GetSelectedRange();
} else {
// If we are not focussed, there is no selection. Manufacture
// something reasonable in case it starts to matter in the future.
range = NSMakeRange(0, [[field_ stringValue] length]);
AutocompleteEditViewMacState state(model_->GetStateForTabSwitch(),
hasFocus, range);
StoreStateToTab(tab, state);
void AutocompleteEditViewMac::Update(
const TabContents* tab_for_state_restoring) {
// TODO(shess): It seems like if the tab is non-NULL, then this code
// shouldn't need to be called at all. When coded that way, I find
// that the field isn't always updated correctly. Figure out why
// this is. Maybe this method should be refactored into more
// specific cases.
const bool user_visible =
if (tab_for_state_restoring) {
const AutocompleteEditViewMacState* state =
if (state) {
// Should restore the user's text via SetUserText().
// Restore focus and selection if they were present when the tab
// was switched away.
if (state->has_focus) {
// TODO(shess): Unfortunately, there is no safe way to update
// this because TabStripController -selectTabWithContents:* is
// also messing with focus. Both parties need to agree to
// store existing state before anyone tries to setup the new
// state. Anyhow, it would look something like this.
#if 0
[[field_ window] makeFirstResponder:field_];
[[field_ currentEditor] setSelectedRange:state->selection];
} else if (user_visible) {
// Restore everything to the baseline look.
// TODO(shess): Figure out how this case is used, to make sure
// we're getting the selection and popup right.
} else {
// TODO(shess): This corresponds to _win and _gtk, except those
// guard it with a test for whether the security level changed.
// But AFAICT, that can only change if the text changed, and that
// code compares the toolbar_model_ security level with the local
// security level. Dig in and figure out why this isn't a no-op
// that should go away.
void AutocompleteEditViewMac::OpenURL(const GURL& url,
WindowOpenDisposition disposition,
PageTransition::Type transition,
const GURL& alternate_nav_url,
size_t selected_line,
const std::wstring& keyword) {
// TODO(shess): Why is the caller passing an invalid url in the
// first place? Make sure that case isn't being dropped on the
// floor.
if (!url.is_valid()) {
model_->SendOpenNotification(selected_line, keyword);
if (disposition != NEW_BACKGROUND_TAB)
RevertAll(); // Revert the box to its unedited state.
controller_->OnAutocompleteAccept(url, disposition, transition,
std::wstring AutocompleteEditViewMac::GetText() const {
return base::SysNSStringToWide([field_ stringValue]);
void AutocompleteEditViewMac::SetUserText(const std::wstring& text,
const std::wstring& display_text,
bool update_popup) {
// TODO(shess): TODO below from gtk.
// TODO(deanm): something about selection / focus change here.
if (update_popup) {
NSRange AutocompleteEditViewMac::GetSelectedRange() const {
DCHECK([field_ currentEditor]);
return [[field_ currentEditor] selectedRange];
void AutocompleteEditViewMac::SetSelectedRange(const NSRange range) {
// This can be called when we don't have focus. For instance, when
// the user clicks the "Go" button.
if (model_->has_focus()) {
// TODO(shess): If |model_| thinks we have focus, this should not
// be necessary. Try to convert to DCHECK(IsFirstResponder()).
if (![field_ currentEditor]) {
[[field_ window] makeFirstResponder:field_];
// TODO(shess): What if it didn't get first responder, and there is
// no field editor? This will do nothing. Well, at least it won't
// crash. Think of something more productive to do, or prove that
// it cannot occur and DCHECK appropriately.
[[field_ currentEditor] setSelectedRange:range];
void AutocompleteEditViewMac::SetWindowTextAndCaretPos(const std::wstring& text,
size_t caret_pos) {
DCHECK_LE(caret_pos, text.size());
SetTextAndSelectedRange(text, NSMakeRange(caret_pos, caret_pos));
void AutocompleteEditViewMac::SelectAll(bool reversed) {
// TODO(shess): Figure out what |reversed| implies. The gtk version
// has it imply inverting the selection front to back, but I don't
// even know if that makes sense for Mac.
// TODO(shess): Verify that we should be stealing focus at this
// point.
SetSelectedRange(NSMakeRange(0, GetText().size()));
void AutocompleteEditViewMac::RevertAll() {
// TODO(shess): This should be a no-op, the results from GetText()
// could only get there via UpdateAndStyleText() in the first place.
// Dig into where this code can be called from and see if this line
// can be removed.
void AutocompleteEditViewMac::UpdatePopup() {
if (!model_->has_focus())
// TODO(shess):
// Shouldn't inline autocomplete when the caret/selection isn't at
// the end of the text.
// One option would seem to be to check for a non-nil field
// editor, and check it's selected range against its length.
void AutocompleteEditViewMac::ClosePopup() {
void AutocompleteEditViewMac::SetFocus() {
void AutocompleteEditViewMac::SetText(const std::wstring& display_text) {
NSString* ss = base::SysWideToNSString(display_text);
NSMutableAttributedString* as =
[[[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString:ss] autorelease];
NSFont* font = ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance().GetFont(
[as addAttribute:NSFontAttributeName value:font
range:NSMakeRange(0, [as length])];
url_parse::Parsed parts;
AutocompleteInput::Parse(display_text, model_->GetDesiredTLD(),
&parts, NULL);
const bool emphasize = model_->CurrentTextIsURL() && (parts.host.len > 0);
if (emphasize) {
[as addAttribute:NSForegroundColorAttributeName value:BaseTextColor()
range:NSMakeRange(0, [as length])];
[as addAttribute:NSForegroundColorAttributeName value:HostTextColor()
// TODO(shess): GTK has this as a member var, figure out why.
// [Could it be to not change if no change? If so, I'm guessing
// AppKit may already handle that.]
const ToolbarModel::SecurityLevel scheme_security_level =
if (scheme_security_level == ToolbarModel::SECURE) {
[field_ setBackgroundColor:SecureBackgroundColor()];
} else if (scheme_security_level == ToolbarModel::NORMAL) {
[field_ setBackgroundColor:NormalBackgroundColor()];
} else if (scheme_security_level == ToolbarModel::INSECURE) {
[field_ setBackgroundColor:InsecureBackgroundColor()];
} else {
NOTREACHED() << "Unexpected scheme_security_level: "
<< scheme_security_level;
// Emphasize the scheme for security UI display purposes (if necessary).
if (!model_->user_input_in_progress() && parts.scheme.is_nonempty() &&
(scheme_security_level != ToolbarModel::NORMAL)) {
NSColor* color;
if (scheme_security_level == ToolbarModel::SECURE) {
color = SecureSchemeColor();
} else {
color = InsecureSchemeColor();
// Add a strikethrough through the scheme.
[as addAttribute:NSStrikethroughStyleAttributeName
value:[NSNumber numberWithInt:NSUnderlineStyleSingle]
[as addAttribute:NSForegroundColorAttributeName value:color
[field_ setObjectValue:as];
// TODO(shess): This may be an appropriate place to call:
// controller_->OnChanged();
// In the current implementation, this tells LocationBarViewMac to
// mess around with |model_| and update |field_|. Unfortunately,
// when I look at our peer implementations, it's not entirely clear
// to me if this is safe. SetText() is sort of an utility method,
// and different callers sometimes have different needs. Research
// this issue so that it can be added safely.
// TODO(shess): Also, consider whether this code couldn't just
// manage things directly. Windows uses a series of overlaid view
// objects to accomplish the hinting stuff that OnChanged() does, so
// it makes sense to have it in the controller that lays those
// things out. Mac instead pushes the support into a custom
// text-field implementation.
void AutocompleteEditViewMac::SetTextAndSelectedRange(
const std::wstring& display_text, const NSRange range) {
void AutocompleteEditViewMac::EmphasizeURLComponents() {
if ([field_ currentEditor]) {
SetTextAndSelectedRange(GetText(), GetSelectedRange());
} else {
void AutocompleteEditViewMac::OnTemporaryTextMaybeChanged(
const std::wstring& display_text, bool save_original_selection) {
// TODO(shess): I believe this is for when the user arrows around
// the popup, will be restored if they hit escape. Figure out if
// that is for certain it.
if (save_original_selection)
saved_temporary_selection_ = GetSelectedRange();
SetWindowTextAndCaretPos(display_text, display_text.size());
bool AutocompleteEditViewMac::OnInlineAutocompleteTextMaybeChanged(
const std::wstring& display_text, size_t user_text_length) {
// TODO(shess): Make sure that this actually works. The round trip
// to native form and back may mean that it's the same but not the
// same.
if (display_text == GetText()) {
return false;
DCHECK_LE(user_text_length, display_text.size());
const NSRange range = NSMakeRange(user_text_length, display_text.size());
SetTextAndSelectedRange(display_text, range);
return true;
void AutocompleteEditViewMac::OnRevertTemporaryText() {
bool AutocompleteEditViewMac::IsFirstResponder() const {
return [field_ currentEditor] != nil ? true : false;
void AutocompleteEditViewMac::OnBeforePossibleChange() {
// We should only arrive here when the field is focussed.
selection_before_change_ = GetSelectedRange();
text_before_change_ = GetText();
bool AutocompleteEditViewMac::OnAfterPossibleChange() {
// We should only arrive here when the field is focussed.
const NSRange new_selection(GetSelectedRange());
const std::wstring new_text(GetText());
const size_t length = new_text.length();
const bool selection_differs = !NSEqualRanges(new_selection,
const bool at_end_of_edit = (length == new_selection.location);
const bool text_differs = (new_text != text_before_change_);
// When the user has deleted text, we don't allow inline
// autocomplete. This is assumed if the text has gotten shorter AND
// the selection has shifted towards the front of the text. During
// normal typing the text will almost always be shorter (as the new
// input replaces the autocomplete suggestion), but in that case the
// selection point will have moved towards the end of the text.
// TODO(shess): In our implementation, we can catch -deleteBackward:
// and other methods to provide positive knowledge that a delete
// occured, rather than intuiting it from context. Consider whether
// that would be a stronger approach.
const bool just_deleted_text =
(length < text_before_change_.length() &&
new_selection.location <= selection_before_change_.location);
const bool something_changed = model_->OnAfterPossibleChange(new_text,
selection_differs, text_differs, just_deleted_text, at_end_of_edit);
// Restyle in case the user changed something.
// TODO(shess): I believe there are multiple-redraw cases, here.
// Linux watches for something_changed && text_differs, but that
// fails for us in case you copy the URL and paste the identical URL
// back (we'll lose the styling).
return something_changed;
gfx::NativeView AutocompleteEditViewMac::GetNativeView() const {
return field_;
void AutocompleteEditViewMac::OnUpOrDownKeyPressed(bool up, bool by_page) {
// We should only arrive here when the field is focussed.
const int count = by_page ? model_->result().size() : 1;
model_->OnUpOrDownKeyPressed(up ? -count : count);
void AutocompleteEditViewMac::OnEscapeKeyPressed() {
// We should only arrive here when the field is focussed.
void AutocompleteEditViewMac::OnWillBeginEditing() {
// We should only arrive here when the field is focussed.
DCHECK([field_ currentEditor]);
NSEvent* theEvent = [NSApp currentEvent];
const bool controlDown = ([theEvent modifierFlags]&NSControlKeyMask) != 0;
// Capture the current state.
void AutocompleteEditViewMac::OnDidEndEditing() {
// Tell the model to reset itself.
void AutocompleteEditViewMac::OnDidResignKey() {
void AutocompleteEditViewMac::OnPaste() {
// This code currently expects |field_| to be focussed.
DCHECK([field_ currentEditor]);
std::wstring text = GetClipboardText(g_browser_process->clipboard());
if (text.empty()) {
NSString* s = base::SysWideToNSString(text);
// -shouldChangeTextInRange:* and -didChangeText are documented in
// NSTextView as things you need to do if you write additional
// user-initiated editing functions. They cause the appropriate
// delegate methods to be called.
// TODO(shess): It would be nice to separate the Cocoa-specific code
// from the Chrome-specific code.
NSTextView* editor = static_cast<NSTextView*>([field_ currentEditor]);
const NSRange selectedRange = GetSelectedRange();
if ([editor shouldChangeTextInRange:selectedRange replacementString:s]) {
// If this paste will be replacing all the text, record that, so
// we can do different behaviors in such a case.
const NSRange allRange = NSMakeRange(0, [[field_ stringValue] length]);
if (NSEqualRanges(allRange, selectedRange)) {
// Force a Paste operation to trigger the text_changed code in
// OnAfterPossibleChange(), even if identical contents are pasted
// into the text box.
[editor replaceCharactersInRange:selectedRange withString:s];
[editor didChangeText];
bool AutocompleteEditViewMac::CanPasteAndGo() {
int AutocompleteEditViewMac::GetPasteActionStringId() {
// Use PASTE_AND_SEARCH as the default fallback (although the DCHECK above
// should never trigger).
if (!model_->is_paste_and_search())
void AutocompleteEditViewMac::OnPasteAndGo() {
if (CanPasteAndGo())
bool AutocompleteEditViewMac::OnTabPressed() {
if (model_->is_keyword_hint() && !model_->keyword().empty()) {
return true;
return false;
bool AutocompleteEditViewMac::OnBackspacePressed() {
// Don't intercept if not in keyword search mode.
if (model_->is_keyword_hint() || model_->keyword().empty()) {
return false;
// Don't intercept if there is a selection, or the cursor isn't at
// the leftmost position.
const NSRange selection = GetSelectedRange();
if (selection.length > 0 || selection.location > 0) {
return false;
// We're showing a keyword and the user pressed backspace at the
// beginning of the text. Delete the selected keyword.
return true;
bool AutocompleteEditViewMac::IsPopupOpen() const {
return popup_view_->IsOpen();
void AutocompleteEditViewMac::TryDeletingCurrentItem() {
void AutocompleteEditViewMac::OnControlKeyChanged(bool pressed) {
void AutocompleteEditViewMac::AcceptInput(
WindowOpenDisposition disposition, bool for_drop) {
model_->AcceptInput(disposition, for_drop);
void AutocompleteEditViewMac::FocusLocation() {
[[field_ window] makeFirstResponder:field_];
DCHECK_EQ([field_ currentEditor], [[field_ window] firstResponder]);
// TODO(shess): Copied from autocomplete_edit_view_win.cc. Could this
// be pushed into the model?
std::wstring AutocompleteEditViewMac::GetClipboardText(Clipboard* clipboard) {
// autocomplete_edit_view_win.cc assumes this can never happen, we
// will too.
if (clipboard->IsFormatAvailable(Clipboard::GetPlainTextWFormatType(),
Clipboard::BUFFER_STANDARD)) {
string16 text16;
clipboard->ReadText(Clipboard::BUFFER_STANDARD, &text16);
// Note: Unlike in the find popup and textfield view, here we completely
// remove whitespace strings containing newlines. We assume users are
// most likely pasting in URLs that may have been split into multiple
// lines in terminals, email programs, etc., and so linebreaks indicate
// completely bogus whitespace that would just cause the input to be
// invalid.
return CollapseWhitespace(UTF16ToWide(text16), true);
// Try bookmark format.
// It is tempting to try bookmark format first, but the URL we get out of a
// bookmark has been cannonicalized via GURL. This means if a user copies
// and pastes from the URL bar to itself, the text will get fixed up and
// cannonicalized, which is not what the user expects. By pasting in this
// order, we are sure to paste what the user copied.
if (clipboard->IsFormatAvailable(Clipboard::GetUrlWFormatType(),
Clipboard::BUFFER_STANDARD)) {
std::string url_str;
clipboard->ReadBookmark(NULL, &url_str);
// pass resulting url string through GURL to normalize
GURL url(url_str);
if (url.is_valid()) {
return UTF8ToWide(url.spec());
return std::wstring();
@implementation AutocompleteFieldDelegate
- initWithEditView:(AutocompleteEditViewMac*)view {
self = [super init];
if (self) {
edit_view_ = view;
return self;
- (void)dealloc {
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self];
[super dealloc];
- (BOOL)control:(NSControl*)control
textView:(NSTextView*)textView doCommandBySelector:(SEL)cmd {
// Don't intercept up/down-arrow if the popup isn't open.
if (edit_view_->IsPopupOpen()) {
if (cmd == @selector(moveDown:)) {
edit_view_->OnUpOrDownKeyPressed(false, false);
return YES;
if (cmd == @selector(moveUp:)) {
edit_view_->OnUpOrDownKeyPressed(true, false);
return YES;
if (cmd == @selector(scrollPageDown:)) {
edit_view_->OnUpOrDownKeyPressed(false, true);
return YES;
if (cmd == @selector(scrollPageUp:)) {
edit_view_->OnUpOrDownKeyPressed(true, true);
return YES;
if (cmd == @selector(cancelOperation:)) {
return YES;
if (cmd == @selector(insertTab:)) {
if (edit_view_->OnTabPressed()) {
return YES;
// TODO(shess): Option-tab, would normally insert a literal tab
// character. Consider combining with -insertTab:
if (cmd == @selector(insertTabIgnoringFieldEditor:)) {
return YES;
// |-noop:| is sent when the user presses Cmd+Return. Override the no-op
// behavior with the proper WindowOpenDisposition.
NSEvent* event = [NSApp currentEvent];
if (cmd == @selector(insertNewline:) ||
(cmd == @selector(noop:) && [event keyCode] == kVK_Return)) {
WindowOpenDisposition disposition =
edit_view_->AcceptInput(disposition, false);
return YES;
// Option-Return
if (cmd == @selector(insertNewlineIgnoringFieldEditor:)) {
edit_view_->AcceptInput(NEW_FOREGROUND_TAB, false);
return YES;
// When the user does Control-Enter, the existing content has "www."
// prepended and ".com" appended. |model_| should already have
// received notification when the Control key was depressed, but it
// is safe to tell it twice.
if (cmd == @selector(insertLineBreak:)) {
WindowOpenDisposition disposition =
event_utils::WindowOpenDispositionFromNSEvent([NSApp currentEvent]);
edit_view_->AcceptInput(disposition, false);
return YES;
if (cmd == @selector(deleteBackward:)) {
if (edit_view_->OnBackspacePressed()) {
return YES;
if (cmd == @selector(deleteForward:)) {
const NSUInteger modifiers = [[NSApp currentEvent] modifierFlags];
if ((modifiers & NSShiftKeyMask) != 0) {
if (edit_view_->IsPopupOpen()) {
return YES;
// Capture the state before the operation changes the content.
// TODO(shess): Determine if this is always redundent WRT the call
// in -controlTextDidChange:.
return NO;
- (void)controlTextDidBeginEditing:(NSNotification*)aNotification {
- (void)controlTextDidChange:(NSNotification*)aNotification {
// Figure out what changed and notify the model_.
// Then capture the new state.
- (BOOL)control:(NSControl*)control textShouldEndEditing:(NSText*)fieldEditor {
return YES;
// TODO(shess): Figure out where the selection belongs. On GTK,
// it's set to the start of the text.
// Signal that we've lost focus when the window resigns key.
- (void)windowDidResignKey:(NSNotification*)notification {